Bad Dad - terror at the farm.


I was working in the nursery over the weekend... Had a few high school kids helping. I was tilling up an area for some new shrubs when I looked toward the cabin only to see Jake my 8 year old running towards me screaming and crying. I was ~150 yards away and couldn't tell what was going on. But I knew it wasn't good (really not good).

You know the feeling when your brain suddenly finds the ability to process a 1000 thoughts in less than a second? Should I stay on the tractor and drive up there quick? Should I get off and run? Should I call the air force for an air lift, etc. etc.

Well I chose to run, as I thought that was the quickest way to get to him. As I'm running (as fast as I could, but probably not that fast) I see his face is BRIGHT RED. He's covering his eyes yelling "I can't see, it hurts". At this point I'm positive he cut his head, and blood is running down his face into his eyes.

In about a second, I created a master plan. I was going to rip off my hooded sweatshirt, wrap it around his head, whisk him into my truck, and rush him to the hospital for some stitches (head wounds bleed BAD, so I figured it was a small cut).

At about 10 yards, I realize it isn't blood. But I don't know what the heck it is. Its red, but it isn't blood.

Now, Jake is allowed to do all kinds of big boy stuff at the cabin. I always think it's better for him to learn it with me than with someone else. As it turns out, he was spray-painting boards (for the 100th time) and the nozzle got clogged. So he removed the nozzle, and inserted a nail into the spray can. The result of this effort is shown below (after 5 intense minutes of cleaning him up with the on-site first aid kit!)


Fortunately he was no worse for the wear, and my wife took it in stride.

10 minutes later he was back outside playing (I wanted to finish tilling before we left as it was going to rain all week this week).

I bet your heart rate was WAY up there. Glad there were no serious injuries.
Glad Jake was Ok. Bet he learned a valuable lesson.
Boys will be boys :D. Glad he is ok.
(as fast as I could, but probably not that fast)

Something you will both laugh about for many years... KIDS!:rolleyes:
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Wow glad it wasn't more serious.
Nothing teaches a kid like firsthand experiance - good or bad. Bet he thinks twice next time! Good thing he is OK - embarassed as allget out,but ok.
Thank god he's ok.
YIKES!!! Glad he is smiling!!
That will be a lesson that pays dividends. Poking holes in anything under pressure may get a second thought :)

Scary at the time though!
That had my heart and mind raceing just reading about it!
Glad he is ok!
Its a good color on him!
We also have a different set of dad rules at the farm. I let my 7 year old son chop down a tree at the farm with an ax. ( I was right next to him) he told my wife how much fun it was and some how I got the stink eye from her. So I guess I also fall into the bad dad group.
That's not funny, but now that he's's pretty funny!!
Lol.... I think I aged a couple years at the beginning... But I got the years back telling the stories to friends and family.

Lesson learned for sure!

We also have a different set of dad rules at the farm. I let my 7 year old son chop down a tree at the farm with an ax. ( I was right next to him) he told my wife how much fun it was and some how I got the stink eye from her. So I guess I also fall into the bad dad group.
He might be a future President! Good or Bad???
A kid like that may be useful for the rain dance. Could blame him if things go wrong (again). :D ;)