I dont shot far, I dont shoot alot of paper, I mostly shoot gongs at 50 and 100 probably 95% offhand. I do pratice standing up leaning the gun against a tree at 200 yards at a 6 inch gong. Every couple of years I shoot a deer past 100 yards. My one deer this year was a whopping 27 yards sitting on a little chair, back fully cocked all the way to my left, shooting right handed. Didn't even notice I was shooting right handed too. Thought of it after I shot.
What I was doing was plucking the powder charger. Thinking thats not good.
Hoping the weather cooperates this weeknd so I can try out my loads. Got 450 marln, 308, and 30-30 reloaded. Have to zero a 22 and a sks with burris fastfire red dots on them. Should recheck the zero on my 22lr scope as well. Got alot of cleaning to do afterwards.
Eyeing a nice 50 cal flintlock LH on gunbroker. Only got one LH gun right now. I wear safety glasses when I shoot RH caplock or flintloc left handed.
I got plently of factory ammunition. Besides taming down the 450 marlin, I really have no need to reload. Wondering what to do with all that, especially if point of impact changes much at reasonable distance on paper/gong.