Atv options for implements.

I have used an atv to plant many plots. Tough on them though. I had a farm star atv disk that wobbled like crazy unless you added allot of weight. I was constantly breaking an welding on it. As stated above a good spray kill x2 followed by a light atv disking works pretty well actually
size of tractor comes down to AGE of tractor and implement used behind it
I say this due to many older smaller HP tractors will OUT weight and out PULL many larger HP lighter tractors made today
if your NOT going to plant a LOT of acres and willing to find and buy/use older style cheaper implements(mostly PULL types NO 3 point hitch type set up here
pull disc, roller, sprayer, spreader
you can BUY a very nice tractor that will out work a atv by a HUGE margin for cheap, tractor and above implement I have bought several and SOLD all for under 2 grand and they ran like new!
older farmal's H and up(even a few c=smaller one's worked well 140's and such)
Older Ford 8-9 N's and one's like this, from the late 40's to early 60's
back then they MADE them to LAST< be simple to work on , so the average uneducated farmer can fix them and keep them running, they had WEIGHT, and gearing, but LOWER HP, yet still worked like mad

MOST all can be converted if not already to 3 point hitch set ups, then you have access to more common implements
and all the POPULAR models from the 40s+, have a outrageous amount of parts STILL being made today, due to HOW long lived these tractor are
so parts are NOT an issue on this older stuff
it blows my mind how so many food plotters/hunters today feel they need a new 4x4 16-25k tractor to plant and up keep a few acres of plots!
as if they think there making a living with it

SUB compact tractor prices went NUTS high due to hunters willing to PAY silly prices for small tractor
prior to food plot craze these same tractor were dirt cheap, then the OEM's figured out hunters spend money like mad and they cranked the prices up and UP and UP< and , guess what, they are still selling like mad, due to hunters have so little Honest understanding of what they need or are buying
they just BUY what looks right I almost think at times over knowing much ! LOL

so size of tractor
buy one that will pull the implements you have desire to use and DON"T be scared of older tractors in good shape!
selling one atv, or the UTV and you can get a fully set up tractor with all implements needed and cash back in your pocket if you shop right!
This is so spot on.. and really don't even be afraid if they look rough. When you go look, surprise the guy and show up early so you know if it's fussy to start. (Couldn't tell you how many times I've gone to look at a tractor and the exhaust pipe is suspiciously warm when I arrive. I have one 1942 2n that sat outside for 11 years. Had it running in a few hours for a couple hundred bucks. It now sits at a camp property I have. Been outside there for 6 years and I never do anything besides add fuel, change oil and charge once a year.
Atvs are nicer for spray and broadcasting thou imo
A couple of things that were important when I was looking. Live pto, many of the old tractors run pto through the transmission. 3pt lift, I think quite a few of them have aftermarket options to convert them. Also if you plan to run a tiller, make sure it has a granny gear 1.5 mph or under.
I learned from the guys on this forum that I didn't need a plough, and that's true!! I have three excellent plots of perennial clover that really pulls in the deer, and all I used was a spreader. This spring I'll use some herbicide to kill some protruding weeds, then overseed with clover. Here is one of my micro plots, but I have two others about 1/3 acre each. It's awesome!!! Totally without implements!
