Apple Tree question


5 year old buck +
I found this tree last year and I believe it to be an apple tree of some sort.
It’s stands probably 25’ tall straight up. Branches are all pretty thin with little branching coming off of the scaffolds.

I realeased it this winter trying to see if it would bud out but nothing happened this spring. I have the available space to add some more apples probably some crabs to help with pollination

My question is what are the next steps I should take. Pretty well established tree with should be good root system based off the size. Should I just thin the branches out and let it roll?D28E13AD-8758-4BBA-A4BD-5465DD7CFC20.jpegF065DF17-0D1F-4217-B94D-E0E4F34018D6.jpegAB6082DA-331F-4A8B-B0D5-73D95E92B622.jpegF226C3FE-C16B-492D-9CF4-754586845D3C.jpeg? Or try my hand at grafting a desired variety?

Thanks in advance :emoji_laughing:
It's that tall & thin because it's trying to get more sunlight. It's competing with those big trees near it for nutrients and sun.

The leaves remind me of a pear of some sort, or a crab apple. It would depend on how much you want to keep it - or those big trees near it. If it's really important to you to keep that crabapple tree, you might want to cut 1 or 2 of those big trees down and give it room & more sunlight to thicken and flourish.
It's that tall & thin because it's trying to get more sunlight. It's competing with those big trees near it for nutrients and sun.

The leaves remind me of a pear of some sort, or a crab apple. It would depend on how much you want to keep it - or those big trees near it. If it's really important to you to keep that crabapple tree, you might want to cut 1 or 2 of those big trees down and give it room & more sunlight to thicken and flourish.
When I found it last year it was definitely struggling for sunlight. I cut 10-12 trees that were shading it out this winter.

I have gone back and forth on what type of tree it is pear vs Apple. I posted this question last year for clarity but unfortunately no one chimed in on what they thought it was.

I have 10 apples and 3 pears currently planted in another area so I am open to either planting anything to help this tree.
It looks like a flowering crabapple to me. Cut the big trees down around it or it may never flower much at all.
It looks like a flowering crabapple to me. Cut the big trees down around it or it may never flower much at all.

I understand. I elimated quite a few trees South Southwest of the tree. This photo is with the tree directly behind my back.

The tree is in the northern edge of the area I cleared. I can cut down the willow oak in the center of the tree the rest are White oaks. It should get 6-7 hours of a day.

With it potentially being a flowering crab, can I graft a fruit bearing crab?


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