I've changed things around over the years, but here is my current method:
- 5 foot high welded wire fence at least 3 feet diameter, and preferably more
- two electric fence posts to hold cage - using cable ties (fence opening is at 6 o'clock. Posts are at 10 and 2 o'clock) This makes it easy to get in later for maintenance. Make sure you fix the opening in a way that it is easy to get into later on. Two bent wires will hold it fine.
- fabric mat on the ground - 4 x 4 feet or something around that size. Put down with steeples
- window screen with two slits cut on the bottom side to make it hug the ground when I put two steeples down - (see pic below) This helps keep rodents from pushing under the screen.
This is a small pear tree I set this weekend. Pic is a little blurry and I didn't notice it until I got home.