I had about 40 of the neighbors cattle in around my plots and orchard the other week. They sure liked my lush clover, raddish, rape, turnips and the leftover apples on the ground. Wish i wouldnt have deleted the photo of them in my plots... you guys would have gotten a kick out of that! Maybe now i will get some "wild" crabs growing from them eating the seed and dispersing it in the woods!
It seems like my trees are attracting everything but bucks this year. First time having a bear in there and I am blaming my cousin on this little guy. He has been baiting them since the beginning of September (maybe sooner) and recently stopped. Well I guess he needed to find some food prior to hibernating and the apples must have been an easy fix for him as they are on,y 150 yards from his bait... :/. He has cleaned my apple trees bear and broken 4-5 branches off two or three trees.
I had a pair come under me during mzzle season a few years back. Had a young one in the driveway this fall. I am seeing more greys than I did 30 years ago.
X2 with Ma Vt Flatlander. Your pix of bobcats ( I think it was you ) and grey fox show fat, well-fed animals. Living is good up there in the New England woods!
X2 with Ma Vt Flatlander. Your pix of bobcats ( I think it was you ) and grey fox show fat, well-fed animals. Living is good up there in the New England woods!
Went to the farm yesterday to switch out a card. The orchards are complete barnyards. Looks like only about 4 trees still have apples, one Liberty has a few and some wild ones. I'll bring a camera back and get some pics. All the boys still got headgear. This old guy just showed up, never seen him before. Anyone have any apple cams out too?
A 2 yo 8pt. This apple tree that the cam is on is out of apples, but this is such a good funnel, I get a ton of pics. The "Maya" apple is in back of those bucks about 50 yards, and there is a sanctuary/ bedding area behind the cam. This orchard is made up of about 20 wild apple trees.