Anyone try that Federal Fusion Bullet?

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Has anyone tried that bonded Federal Fusion Bullet? Thinking about giving this bonded bullet a try since it is about the same price as a regular soft point. How did the bullet hold together for you and work? Ranges for me would be pretty close. <100yards all the time and mostly within 50yards.
I bought some last year for my daughter's .243. It was the only ammo at I could find at the time. Unfortunately she didn't get a shot at a deer last year, so I have no results to report.
Yes shot straight through .5 inch ar 500 steel with a 168g 300wsm.
Yes shot straight through .5 inch ar 500 steel with a 168g 300wsm.
What about performance on deer?
Yes shot straight through .5 inch ar 500 steel with a 168g 300wsm.
What about performance on deer?
I was wondering that myself, I work with AR plate all the time and believe me, it is some tough stuff. Do these things even expand when they hit a deer, or do they just punch a caliber-sized hole through them?
i have shot the federal fusion 150 gr .30-06 for a few years now. out of all the different federal cartridge configurations i have shot thru this rifle (remmington 700 bdl) the fusion by far was the most consistent and accurate...for some reason my rifle likes it the best. I have shot quite a few deer and i would say the knock down power is sufficient. I have never recovered a bullet from the carcasses so I can't tell you what expansion looks like. All i know is that they caused almost immediate cessation of life on every deer that i have shot with them. I only had one deer make it more than 10 yds from impact and that was a buck that was chasing does hard...i don't think he had a clue he was even shot...he had one thing on his mind. He went about 60 yds and piled up.
i have shot the federal fusion 150 gr .30-06 for a few years now. out of all the different federal cartridge configurations i have shot thru this rifle (remmington 700 bdl) the fusion by far was the most consistent and accurate...for some reason my rifle likes it the best. I have shot quite a few deer and i would say the knock down power is sufficient. I have never recovered a bullet from the carcasses so I can't tell you what expansion looks like. All i know is that they caused almost immediate cessation of life on every deer that i have shot with them. I only had one deer make it more than 10 yds from impact and that was a buck that was chasing does hard...i don't think he had a clue he was even shot...he had one thing on his mind. He went about 60 yds and piled up.

Ok. That is good to know. How did the entry/exit wounds look? What kind of ranges are you shooting at deer? I tried 150 grain over the weekend in my .308 and it was very accurate. My ranges are pretty close. My wife shoots a .270. Might see how they shoot in her gun too.
the longest shot was probably 90 yds. Most of my rifle hunting is 100 yds and in, like your situation. I would say that the exit holes were approximately 3-5 times the diameter of the entry holes, say golf ball-ish in size. I would describe entry holes as slightly larger than caliber size. I'm coming up with at least 7 and probably more like 10 deer that i have shot with the fusions. All but one were broadside shots placed in the lung/heart area, the exception was a neck shot at 35 yds, she expired before she hit the ground. The heart/lung shots produced a mainly gelatinous chunky substance above the diaphram upon field dressing the animals.
the longest shot was probably 90 yds. Most of my rifle hunting is 100 yds and in, like your situation. I would say that the exit holes were approximately 3-5 times the diameter of the entry holes, say golf ball-ish in size. I would describe entry holes as slightly larger than caliber size. I'm coming up with at least 7 and probably more like 10 deer that i have shot with the fusions. All but one were broadside shots placed in the lung/heart area, the exception was a neck shot at 35 yds, she expired before she hit the ground. The heart/lung shots produced a mainly gelatinous chunky substance above the diaphram upon field dressing the animals.

Well that is encouraging. No bone or shoulder hits then?
What about performance on deer?
This was out of my brothers gun I have personally never shot a deer with them but after seeing it shoot through ar 500 steel at 100yards like a lazer beam (perfect hole) I would question its expansion. Either way this is 150gr projectile and will do the job fine. I have shot a whitetail with a 70gr out of 223 with quick ethical recovery. My hunting 308 likes hornady 150 btsp. This is a softer bullet that expands well. Sierra game kings are good too for whitetails as well.
Well that is encouraging. No bone or shoulder hits then?
a rib or two on the heart/lung area hits, no shoulder hits. The neck shot appeared to have severed the spinal cord based on the instantaneous collapse, so it hit vertebrae. I have a feeling there were bullet fragments in the spine, but i didn't recover them...neck meat gets boned out and ground up. there was an exit wound on that deer so i would think most of the bullet stayed intact enough to come out the other side.
Well you really can't beat $21/box for a bonded bullet. I think I'll try and put one through the boiler room on a deer this fall.
Well you really can't beat $21/box for a bonded bullet. I think I'll try and put one through the boiler room on a deer this fall.

yeah...i liked how my rifle liked the cheaper box of federal ammo better than the expensive ones! I'm sure they will work just fine for you!
Well you really can't beat $21/box for a bonded bullet. I think I'll try and put one through the boiler room on a deer this fall.

Let us know how it does. You can always test ones expansion by lining up a bunch of milk jugs full of water. Poor mans ballistic gel:)
Let us know how it does. You can always test ones expansion by lining up a bunch of milk jugs full of water. Poor mans ballistic gel:)

Well there ya go BJE80! Solid performance
Well there ya go BJE80! Solid performance

Yeah in that test it sure performed well hey. Can't ask for anything else.
No experience with the fusion bullets....but I do have a question About them. Are the fusion bullets plated with a copper cladding or do they have copper jackets?? I have heard nothing but good about the federal fusion bullets.....I just want to know more.
No experience with the fusion bullets....but I do have a question About them. Are the fusion bullets plated with a copper cladding or do they have copper jackets?? I have heard nothing but good about the federal fusion bullets.....I just want to know more.

I believe it has a jacket that is electro fused to the lead core.