just thought In would add a little update here, after getting about 200 tons of this potting soil, what I learned is, it just NEVER firms up, it stays soft and gets super gooey when wet!
what I learned is, if I placed it on anything with a slope, even just top dressing a few inches(2-3 inches thick topping/coating) all that happens over time is after each rain, more and more of it, just runs down the way gravity takes it,
after having it down now for several months on some soloed land, almost none of the 2-3 inch thick layer I added is left, its all washed away to the lowest side of things
on the little level ground I put it on, it seems like it all broke down with the rains and was absorbed into the existing soil, which worked well, things grew like crazy in these area's
you can find very little of it on the surface to be seen
I just don't have much level ground where I have this stuff, or be nice to spread out in a larger field if I had one to do there!
NOW< I piled up about 100 ton or more of it in piles about 6-7 ft tall and about a 125 ft long, where I piled it, is a mostly shady spot ALL day long, never gets much sun, surrounded by big mature hemlock's, and some very mature tree's in full green up, that didn;t let much light in!
some of the piles were effected by rains and some washed off the tops of the piles and made there bases much wider
I tried seeding these piles several times, with all sorts of things, from clover, brassicia, rye grass, oats and buckwheat and a few other things
everything would start to grow FAST, sprout up but nothing would take very well, be very spotty at best, I am blaming this more on the lack of sunshine and well, it was a very wet yr, had very heavy rains every few days for weeks and most rains that came were in the 1-2-4+ inch rainfalls that fell fast and furious like, washing away top layers and s things growing with them
I wanted the piles more for a border of sorts, and well, just to have surplus dirt on hand, as I got the stuff for free!
I am going to try and reseed the piles again in the spring time, and maybe can get something growing better before green up shades them off
and am set to actually get some more of this stuff as well,
if nothing else I know it will grow things on level ground and that get sunlight
so, might be good for other things, like maybe to place about fruit tree that are growing already, or when planting smaller things, or growing a garden in!
OH well, just a little update/info on potting soil, didn't take any real pictures of things recently,. but here are a few some what recent trail cam pic's that show some of the piles and how not much green is growing on them!, mostly rye grass that has lasted the longest, and can see the piles went from about 6-7 ft tall to less in many spots from rains washing them down!