Anyone had Lyme or HA

I have had Erlichiosis and Lymes. Erlichiosis was worse but I did have the telltale bullseye with Lymes. Have had no after effects from either but I did get into the doc right away to get treatment. My last bout with Lymes I got in November so the ticks are still active then even in Northern Wisconsin.
MY daughter was sick every night- getting a temp (100-101) and saying her joints ached with general malaise. She was 10 at the time. DR couldnt figure it out. After two weeks, she went through a gammut of testing and came back positive for Lyme Disease. Maybe a month of Doxycyline (sp), which beat her up itself. Appears fine now. Never saw a tick, ring, rash, etc and she is an indoor kid for the most part. Not fun go. Remember reading the book Unlocking Lyme (and another) that were quite informative.

On a different note- I used to be big in to bird dogs (both pointers and retrievers). Two years going up in the Adirondacks and St Lawrence region hunting birds. Lost two dogs prematurely to what i would associate to tickborne illnesses like Babesiosis. Theyre just receptacles of all things nasty with new diseases carried each year. Hearing more and more related to the Lone Star ticks and alphagal.... not good

Good luck and Godspeed.
If I pull a tick off, I just go in and see my doctor and get the medication just to be sure . He knows I’m outside a lot and works with me… It can ruin your life!
Most Drs don't do the test just because anything over 50% positive gets meds.They either put you on doxy or oxy.Never heard of them using amoxicillion.The first person to die from RMSF in Kansas was a boy from my home town that parents were in the military and Dr wouldn't test.If you are in the outdoors it should be either tested or start on meds.
I’ve literally pulled 30 plus ticks off me this year so far. Like attached not crawling. Do y’all really go every time one is attached? I would have to go all the time
Personally I go in if I think it’s been 24 hours of more and it’s irritating me. I try to use Permathin , and shower right away after being in the woods.

But if I miss one, I’ll make a judgment call and get the prescription.
I'm cautious but dont "worry" about Lyme. It does happen to many folks here.....and you need to react to this stuff if it aint right. I've pulled many ticks from my body that were attached for a short time. No effects from those.....other than a few stubborn itches....if in a sensitive area. Got two of those right behind my knee at the "knee pit".....and one along the crease in my leg. Mainly these are itchy....and one could as well be a spider bite.....but I know the one behind my knee is from a tick I pulled off. Been putting some Benzedrine on those to stop the itch.

I've had one tick that likely was attached for two days......and I got the "bullseye" from that event. Called my doctor and he prescribed the Doxy right away. No further issues. I do most often treat my clothing with permethrin and try to use a bit of deep woods off (which I dont think does a thing for ticks). Best thing after being outdoors in tick season is a full body inspection. Not unusual to find a tick or two after all days in the least in my part of 'Merica.
Personally I go in if I think it’s been 24 hours of more and it’s irritating me. I try to use Permathin , and shower right away after being in the woods.

But if I miss one, I’ll make a judgment call and get the prescription.
Ok that’s logical. I do the same. Spray and shower. My wife absolutely hates ticks so usually checks me really well too
Not sure if it was here or agtalk, but someone said they will keep every tick stored in a jar until enough time passes to see whether they come down with something. Then they can test the tick.
I got it about 15-20 years ago, before it was cool. The tick attached to the back of my head near the bottom of the hair line, I found it after I got back home from 2 weeks of deer hunting, not sure when it got there, but it was very sore. I didnt go to the dr for a few weeks, but I had bad body aches, headaches and sweats, that I never related back to the tick bite at the time. I went into the dr, and they looked me over, and they asked me questions about when it started, and what I had done, I said deer hunted in NW Wisconsin, they asked me if I had found any ticks attached, because the hunting season was well above normal temps, and I told him I did. They never tested me, but prescribed Doxycycline, and within a couple days, the sweats were gone, and the headaches, and body aches got better. I still get ad headaches, and body aches, which are probably related, but I am getting older as well. Back then the test was about $3000, and they needed to send in a blood sample, and it took weeks to get back, the Doxy was like $7, the dr said we will test you if you want, but it wont hurt to try the Doxy first.

I also have a dog that got it, she would just face the wall, and stare at it. I brought her in, they tested her, treated her, and she got better in days as well. But she still tests positive after about 8 years ago.
That sounds about the same man, either you have mild symptoms or the internet tends to put more scare in it. I only briefly looked this up so I don’t know the percentage of people that get the rough end with neurological issues unless that only means headaches. I do have a Taxidermy friend I heard wasn’t doing well with his case but don’t know what that translates too.

I get 10 or so attached and removed the same day and pick off probably a hundred maybe in a year from my clothes. I constantly check myself when I’m up there and do check my dog over often.

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised if it was Lyme, I’m gambling any time I’m up there. Maybe I’m foolish but playing in the woods and planting stuff is what makes me happy.
I'm cautious but dont "worry" about Lyme. It does happen to many folks here.....and you need to react to this stuff if it aint right. I've pulled many ticks from my body that were attached for a short time. No effects from those.....other than a few stubborn itches....if in a sensitive area. Got two of those right behind my knee at the "knee pit".....and one along the crease in my leg. Mainly these are itchy....and one could as well be a spider bite.....but I know the one behind my knee is from a tick I pulled off. Been putting some Benzedrine on those to stop the itch.

I've had one tick that likely was attached for two days......and I got the "bullseye" from that event. Called my doctor and he prescribed the Doxy right away. No further issues. I do most often treat my clothing with permethrin and try to use a bit of deep woods off (which I dont think does a thing for ticks). Best thing after being outdoors in tick season is a full body inspection. Not unusual to find a tick or two after all days in the least in my part of 'Merica.
I also strip down, bag my clothes and do a full body check after. I found this one the same day and my daughter removed it for me. That was a few weeks prior to this but that bullseye is in roughly in the same spot which is weird.

I probably should start using Permethrin too!
I am feeling better today, I slept 6 hours and most of the muscle aches are gone so the Doxycycline worked.

Still waiting on the Lyme test, the FLU test came back negative. I asked if it was also a Covid test and they said no lol

Apparently we are over Covid now 😎
I have several friends that have Lyme Disease. A good friend in the last week tested positive for alpha-gal, I believe it is, but I need to call him to get the details since his test results. He pulled a tick off him 2 weeks ago and had a fever and headache. Doctor told him he can't eat red meat for at least 9 months.

We've been trying to figure out what my brother has been dealing with since 2017. He has a bloodshot eye that comes and goes for a few weeks. He's run every eye test known to man and found nothing. At one point he was functional but would have brain fog, depression and be somewhat lethargic. He was treated for mold and Lyme Disease. He's had numerous steroid shots as well. He feels better but his eye still turns beet red on a recurring basis.
This turkey season was rough. I pulled a few off of me. I came to the conclusion its a matter of when not if I get Lyme. If 1 out of 5 ticks has it. Add in the potential for Rocky Mountain spotted fever. I've decided its not worth it, and probably won't turkey hunt next season. I never understood why dogs could get a vaccine, but humans couldn't.