Anyone had Lyme or HA


5 year old buck +
If so was it very apparent that you were sick, I had for the first time a deer tick that had been attached for quite some time. This was a couple of weeks ago and no real symptoms yet unless they are very subtle. Just keep reading that you don't want the illness going chronic. Probably being paranoid but I don't want to miss something either.
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Did the blood panel test 4 years ago and had lymes. Pills for 3 weeks, killed it but any damage till then is permanent. Get the pills now.
Did you have symptoms or the classic bulls eye ring? How long do you figure you had contracted it before getting tested?
Didn't get officially diagnosed but had the following symptoms approx 3 weeks after taking a deer tick off of me that I'm not sure how long it was on me. I had a headache for 3 days, hardcore pain that moved around my body that dosages of more than recommended ibuprofen couldn't touch, fever and dizzyness for 2 days. I got a prescription of the antibiotic that they prescribe for lyme and within 3 days I felt almost as good as new.

No classic bullseye
Wow, glad you are ok. It's a pretty scary disease. I've thought about getting tested for the heck of it but haven't been in to see the doc in some time now.
My 4yr old has been on amoxycillin for 2 weeks. She had a tick on the back of her head in her hair. It had been on her for about 48 hours. No ill effects yet and hope none occur.
Doxycycline. Go see your doctor if you have any mark or symptoms. Depending on your area they may prescribe you Doxycycline. A deer tick needs to be attatched/feeding for 36-48 hours to transmit Lyme. Even then not all deer ticks carry Lymes. In some areas it may be 1 in 4 or 5, other areas it could be closer to 100%. I had 1 lil bugger sucking on me and the doc didn't prescribe the Doxy. Another time the doc gave it to me right away but I had a nasty purple spot on the bite site. I know a doctor that keeps a stash of Doxy at home for his use whenever he gets bit.
More or less I am trying to figure out if it is easy to miss or if you get more severe symptoms. I don't imagine the doctor would just throw antibiotics at you without the telltale signs and the test supposedly doesn't work until after 4 weeks or so.
Make an apt, tell the Doc you had all the signs, including the bulls eye, and demand to leave with a prescription. That's what I did with my son many years ago, when the Dr sent him home without medication. It took him 3-4 days to recover, if memory serves correct. You don't want to mess around with it. If it turns out that the tests come back negative, no harm, no foul. You just took/paid for some antibiotics that you didn't need, which is a good trade.
Just started on Meds , headaches, nausea, neck pain
Chills at times. Test showed negative . But Doc said take anyway. Didn't put on my treated clothes early enough got few little ones attached in March. You will not always get rash . Test will show negative until body begins making antibodies weeks later typically after symptoms start.

Link with current info
For those with dogs I recommend lyme vaccine. Do test first so you have confirmed clean negative. After dog is vaccinated he will always show small positive in testing
some vets will see and then treat dog for not. I had one of the first cases of Ehrlichia Western WI back in 2002 with a dog but by the time we got figured out damage was done.( Severe arthritis etc) They have came up with Spot 3 test after that for detecting a couple years later. The lyme vaccination will not protect against Ehrlichia so Frontline or equivilant a must. Ehrlichia very common through Western Wi now.

Just got call from Marshfield Clinic. I was negative on Lymes but they did additional test and positive for Ehrlichia. Good news is only need to take doxcycline for 10 days versus 21.
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I have had both lyme and rocky mountain spotted fever.My Dr. told me that if the test shows anything over 30% positive they treat for it.Amoxicillian is just an antibiotic and will not help with these tick diseases make your Dr. treat for what ails you.I know a guy that got a disease from a sqeeter bite and it almost killed him and he can hardly speak and has movement issues
So why can dogs get a vaccination shot, and people cant ....something sounds fishy there
I had a tick on me last year and the Doc removed it and put me on Doxycycline just to cover the bases. I had no Lyme test done, but the Doc said the Doxy would wipe it out if I did have Lyme because the tick was only on me for 2 days. If the tick was carrying Lyme disease, getting the Doxy right away would " nip it in the bud " he told me.

An electrician I worked with got Lyme and didn't know it until he started losing the use of his one arm. Doc tested him for Lyme - positive - and after a long course of antibiotic, he needed therapy and time to get the use of his arm back. Nasty stuff.
Yes I have had it as well, as as Peeps mentioned starting doxy ASAP is the real trick. I went into an urgent care at first signs of feeling off, and I had a very small bullseye, starting the meds that night and within about 3 days the symptoms were gone. Not to be messed with, if you're in a Lyme disease area and get any symptoms, see the doc, and don't wait 2 days for an appt, just go to urgent care if your doc can't see you.
My daughter has been having some issues with significant headaches on a frequent basis and the like. I told my wife to have her checked for it.....the Dr has essentially come up with every excuse why we shouldn't......anybody have any issues like this where a Dr feared testing for it? I figured we have not had much success figuring out what the deal is with her so I figure what it may be a long shot, but if it is what she has at least we can get her some help. Is the test expensive or complicated????? I am struggling with why a Dr would avoid doing a test that may help a patient.
My daughter has been having some issues with significant headaches on a frequent basis and the like. I told my wife to have her checked for it.....the Dr has essentially come up with every excuse why we shouldn't......anybody have any issues like this where a Dr feared testing for it? I figured we have not had much success figuring out what the deal is with her so I figure what it may be a long shot, but if it is what she has at least we can get her some help. Is the test expensive or complicated????? I am struggling with why a Dr would avoid doing a test that may help a patient.

I would raise 10 kinds of hell with that doc. He would run the test just to get me out of his office.

Then I'd find a new doc.

Tell him she had ticks attached. If he won't test and another doc finds it, you can tell him your close friend, an ambulance chasing lawyer, will be in touch.
I find ticks on me all time, most of the time I find them before they attach but do get a dozen or so every year. Spring time there are very prevalent, but I have so much work to do it’s just something I deal with.

Anyway, I woke up Saturday with a sore spot on my back but wasn’t concerned. By the end of the day I had crazy swings of freezing cold with goosebumps to hot flashes and profuse sweating in seconds, my muscles felt like I’d worked a laborious job all day. I couldn’t sleep do to all the symptoms despite feeling exhausted. I was hungry all day Sunday but nothing sounded good and when I forced myself to eat I felt like vomiting.

I rarely see my Dr outside of yearly checkups and always try to let things run their course, I’m just not a fan of Dr’s and hospitals and Covid solidified that mentality. This post is long enough so I won’t go into the reasons much, I don’t hate them I just think they over-treat simple things. Anyway, the sore spot on my back was pale in comparison to everything else going and didn’t think about it much until I forced myself out of bed on Tuesday to do some laundry and other household chores just to get moving around hoping it would help. Just walking downstairs and back up felt like I’d climbed a hill. I couldn’t stay upright for long and was back in bed and my daughter saw me crash back into bed and came in to check on me to see if I needed anything and asked if I knew I had a big red spot on my back. She reminded me it’s in roughly the same spot I had her remove a tick a few weeks earlier. I had her take a picture so I could see it and that was concerning enough I went to the hospital feeling I shouldn’t wait for my Dr open the next day. I wasn’t even thinking Lyme but that’s what they diagnosed and gave me a script for Doxycycline. That was 2 days ago and I do feel much better, I slept 5 straight hours for the first time since Saturday but woke up with cold chills and a disgustingly sweat soaked bed. Still in bed and have a headache, muscle aches and have no energy at all but still slowly feel better since I started taking the Doxycycline. I’m supposed to be at work and haven’t had the strength to do anything at all so I made an appointment with my dr today.

Reading online the only test for Lyme is a blood test, I’ve had Vasovagal Syncope my whole life and needles are what triggers it. I’ve been on a heart monitor when this has happened, the first time was after knee surgery in Colorado in the early 90’s and I flatline for 8 seconds when I passed out, they gave me the tear strip as a (morbid) trophy of sorts. It happened 4 times in the hospital in the late 90’s when I needed stitches under my chin from a fall and was on a monitor. My heart doesn’t race, I’m not even anxious it’s just a simple poke and not a big deal, it’s just how my body responds to needles.

I only mentioned the VS because I went to my own Dr, that knows damn well this is well documented many times and he refuses to do bloodwork he’s required to do yearly by the state for pain meds he prescribes me but then wouldn’t give me a medical exemption for the Covid jab. The hypocrisy frankly pisses me off and further enforces my doubts the medical community is looking out for the patient. I’m 100% certain they aren’t all the same but in my experiences that is how I feel about it.

Anyway, I made an appointment today with my dr hoping it’s not Lyme but if I’m being honest, everything I’ve experienced in the last 5 days aligns perfectly with the symptoms except the eating, so I’m hoping they will test for Lyme because at this point I have to know one way or the other. And if it’s not then what is it? I have a solid immune system and rarely get even a seasonal flu so for me to bed ridden for this long I need to know if it’s something serious or not is all.

Sorry that was so long, in my reading up on Lyme I looked here to see if it was talked about after my hospital visit on Tuesday. Now that I’m feeling somewhat better (and completely bored out of my mind) I wanted to share it here so if anyone else had reservations about waiting to get tested please don’t wait! I probably wouldn’t have waited so long if I was aware the sore spot on my back looked like that. These are pics my daughter took the last 3 days for further context.


This was this morning and the rash looks like it’s spread lower and to the right.
O M G that was long! Sorry about that, I didn’t even proofread or get into much of the VS story! There’s a lot to this story and I honestly regret not seeing a Dr sooner so if you have similar symptoms please go get checked out!

Oh, also disregard that stupid tattoo, I very much was a lifelong fan until they went woke and dropped the name and now won’t watch a single NFL game. i have stupid convictions but I have convictions.
I got it about 15-20 years ago, before it was cool. The tick attached to the back of my head near the bottom of the hair line, I found it after I got back home from 2 weeks of deer hunting, not sure when it got there, but it was very sore. I didnt go to the dr for a few weeks, but I had bad body aches, headaches and sweats, that I never related back to the tick bite at the time. I went into the dr, and they looked me over, and they asked me questions about when it started, and what I had done, I said deer hunted in NW Wisconsin, they asked me if I had found any ticks attached, because the hunting season was well above normal temps, and I told him I did. They never tested me, but prescribed Doxycycline, and within a couple days, the sweats were gone, and the headaches, and body aches got better. I still get ad headaches, and body aches, which are probably related, but I am getting older as well. Back then the test was about $3000, and they needed to send in a blood sample, and it took weeks to get back, the Doxy was like $7, the dr said we will test you if you want, but it wont hurt to try the Doxy first.

I also have a dog that got it, she would just face the wall, and stare at it. I brought her in, they tested her, treated her, and she got better in days as well. But she still tests positive after about 8 years ago.
That is a bummer. The best thing I have going is ticks make me itch reallllly bad. If a tick bites me I know within minutes. We have my son out in the woods all the time and one of my biggest fears is we will miss one on him sometime.