Any Regret major purchases?

I planted thousands of miscanthus rhizomes over a 4 year period. I've maybe got 200 that have survived at this point. That was a pretty big waste of time and money for me.

Hmm. I planted quite a few that I got from someone on this site several few yrs ago. They've done very well and I think if I had put effort into propagating them they would have been successful. I'm in zone 6A.
My 1958 Ford 841 tractor. Good price up front, but lots of stuff breaks on old tractors.
Miscanthus is on my list too. Of the 400 I planted, about 100 remain after 4 years. We're 5a but had two nights of -32 degrees with very little snow cover a couple years ago. Killed a lot of my Chinese chestnut too.

A rear tine roto-tiller that hasn't been used in a few years now. Growing up we tilled the garden every spring and fall, so that's how I started my garden here. But switched to a blend of no-till and raised beds shortly after.

A Red Dunn quarter horse I bought for the wife when we got approved for the property. My wife ended up having a knee scoped, then spinal fusion, and finally an MS diagnosis. So the mare is now 9 years old and isn't broke. At least I get great compost out of her(the horse).
A Red Dunn quarter horse I bought for the wife when we got approved for the property. My wife ended up having a knee scoped, then spinal fusion, and finally an MS diagnosis. So the mare is now 9 years old and isn't broke. At least I get great compost out of her(the horse).

If I had a vegetable garden and a pasture, I would definitely have a horse for the manure. I go pick up trailer loads of it from people who keep horses, and it is the most versatile compost there is. It's not as digested as ruminant manure, so it makes amazing Berkeley compost and vermicompost.

When she finally goes, bury her next to a big mature mast tree. Dead animals are outstanding fertilizer for trees.
I wish I knew. It seems like winter kill that gets them but they continue to die until about year 3. It seems like if they made it that long, they flourish. The survivors are massive.
I did try again a couple years ago using rhizomes from Higgins. They seem to have pretty good survival so far. They haven't gotten very big yet but we've had some tough growing years recently.

I had a couple of areas of MG that apparently went dormant for several years. Thought they had died but reappeared last year. I know they need good sunlight and free of weeds.
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* A tractor tiller to do food plots in 2012 that was used one time and has been setting in the barn ever since.
* An expensive 308 that should shoot under 1/2 MOA groups but won't.
I bought a fimco 15 gal 2 nozzle boom sprayer first, than a northern tool 41 gal pull behind 7 nozzle second, and a frost inc 7 nozzle boom sprayer 3rd. Would have been better to skip to the frost inc sprayer first!

Generally happier with most of my implements otherwise. I paid premium price for a 5' Land Pride disk. Saw one barely used for $1k less on craigslist shortly after. I think my tractor could have handled a 6' disk too which would have been nice.

Have a 6' flail mower that usually works pretty well but with 28 PTO HP gets bogged down in the real thick and woody stuff. Would have bought the 5' model if it were available when i needed it.

Many thousands of $ in custom rifles that aren't what I currently want. I've been starting to sell some of them at a big loss. I've learned a lot about what I want/prefer through the process though.
Odd ball caliber guns. That's a good one. I had to eat some losses on all sorts of random firearms I had. It got to be a nightmare trying to keep track of all the ammo. When I did the big consolidation, I got rid of all 9mm, .380, 22-250, 7.62x25, 7mm-08, and more. Now I'm down to just .40 cal, 45 colt/410, .22LR, .308, .223, and 12 gauge. I can do all my stuff with those guns.

I have been thinking about getting a .22 pistol supressor. Been resisting that so far, but I keep thinking about it.
Odd ball caliber guns. That's a good one. I had to eat some losses on all sorts of random firearms I had. It got to be a nightmare trying to keep track of all the ammo. When I did the big consolidation, I got rid of all 9mm, .380, 22-250, 7.62x25, 7mm-08, and more. Now I'm down to just .40 cal, 45 colt/410, .22LR, .308, .223, and 12 gauge. I can do all my stuff with those guns.

I have been thinking about getting a .22 pistol supressor. Been resisting that so far, but I keep thinking about it.

9 mm v 1911 45 hand gun may be a topic to debate

Im a 45 man,myself

All trees that were not native to my area and soil type
Same here. Ain't ever planting another "deer" tree. I'll stick to the good ol' fashion native persimmons.

A QuietKat Trike when they first came out. Maybe the most foolish purchase I ever made as an adult.
9 mm v 1911 45 hand gun may be a topic to debate

Im a 45 man,myself

I can't say I've ever regretted buying a gun. Regretted selling a gun, so I quit doing that!

Got a 1911 in 9mm (and a Glock, and a...) and 2 1911's in 45. They're all good.
Last fall, I bought a new Polaris Ranger Ultimate, 6 passenger UTV. It's a real nice rig and it's outfitted just about perfect. It's got HVAC and winch, all the guards, and a nice GPS, etc. The thing is....I simply do not drive it enough to justify the cost of owning it. I decided to keep my Honda Prairie 700-4 which is nearly ten years old.....and it does most of the work at my land. I dont worry about driving through any brush with it or getting it sscratched up, etc. I should sell one or the other.....alas I think I prefer to work with the it's more nimble.

I've been on a few trail rides with the new Polaris......but I simply lack the desire to do the trail rides I thought we would go on.
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I can't say I've ever regretted buying a gun. Regretted selling a gun, so I quit doing that!

Got a 1911 in 9mm (and a Glock, and a...) and 2 1911's in 45. They're all good.

The one I regret is my PPS 43c or something like that. It was a polish tank gun. 40 round banana mag in that thing.

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Here I thought the 9 vs 45 debate had been long settled..
I've got several guns I wish I had back.....but at the time the money seemed more important.

1. Bought an original Winchester Low Wall that was chambered in 22 Win Center Fire (black powder), with a factory set trigger....a pre-cursor to the Hornet. It was in very nice shape but you could see it was kept in the barn. Paid $5 for it at a garage sale.....and sold it for $700+ later that year in a weak moment. (Later bought a Browning high wall in 22-250 to replace that gun....and use it for a prairie dog gun - beautiful piece)

2. My dad gave me a Model 12 16gauge that he bought Christmas, no less. A guy would not let me go without buying that gun.....and he paid a hefty price at the height of their popularity. I needed the money for other guns......alas one I should have kept. (bought a 20 gauge Model 12 later to replace it)

3. I had a flawless Savage 99 from the 50's. chambered in 250 Savage. Sold it when I went into my business for a decent price. (Bought a 99 in 306 Win to replace it and it's useful today).

^ hard to part with those guns.....but at the time it seemed the right thing. They are all just material stuff.....but sentimental value is important too.
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Bought a Ford Freestyle for my wife OMG it was junk.
We bought a duplex in 2018 knowing full well we dislike multifamily units hated managment from the beginning we were about to sell it and it caught fire. Remodeled it and sold it at a great profit, lemon turned into lemonade but no more multifamily units they suck.
Since 2010, i've been driving White with chrome F-150 XLTs as a company truck. For about 7 years i didn't even own my own vehicle. I'm no longer in a role where I have a company truck but since they replaced em @ 75k, my last truck was one that I was issued when new and then bought from work once it hit 75k miles.

So last winter when searching for a new one I finally found a truck in stock spec'd like I wanted and bought it. But the damn thing is a white XLT with chrome package and looks like the same damn work trucks i've been driving for 13 years. I wish i would have waited for something at least a little different.