Any feedback on Galarina or empire?

Jordan Selsor

5 year old buck +
Anyone growing these? Looking for feedback, thoughts, opinions, DR, taste etc...
I have a few Galarina. I have one huge tree on m111, planted in 2012. Tall, massive girth. I’m not sure of the location because it hasn’t produce fruit like I would expect. I have probably3-5 others on b118 I grafted (5) years ago that have been very vigorous and are putting out good crops for their age. I’m a fan. Good DR too from what I understand. Not sure on eating quality.

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I have both Galarina and Empire apples. The Galarinas have only been in the ground 2 years, so it’s still too early to tell if they will live up to my expectations. I wanted an apple that ripened in October, produced annually, and had good DR. The Galarina checked those boxes so I have 2 in my “camp” orchard. I have one Empire that is roughly 10 to 12 years old. I am very happy with this tree because it ripens in late September, but has a nice steady drop through late November. Every year it produces a nice crop, and I have seen no disease issues whatsoever. Also, I happen to really like the taste, so that is a bonus.
Does Galarina hold or drop apples?
We have 2 Galarinas at camp like A J does. Too young for fruit yet, but no DR problems. They grow well for us - both on MM-111.
I have one Galarina coming on m111 from turkey creek. I'm excited. I've heard nothing but good things.
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Empire is one of my favorite eating apples. I don’t buy them early in the year but they are one of the last good apples the grocery store has in the spring. They stay very crisp into March/April
Empire is one of my favorite eating apples. I don’t buy them early in the year but they are one of the last good apples the grocery store has in the spring. They stay very crisp into March/April
Thanks fpr the feedback! I like a good firm keeping apple! The gala parentage of the galarina gives me concern it will turn to much fast like the grocery store gala apples
100% get a galarina. They are really vigorous growers so need lots of pruning. So glad I got one. Also get an enterprise if you don’t already have one.

I ended up not planting an empire. I believe it kinda has that Macintosh taste/texture I’m just not into
100% get a galarina. They are really vigorous growers so need lots of pruning. So glad I got one. Also get an enterprise if you don’t already have one.

I ended up not planting an empire. I believe it kinda has that Macintosh taste/texture I’m just not into
Thanks! This is for my home orchard
so far have
Liberty, enterprise, AB, Kinnards choice, wickson, redfree, wolf river, pink lady, and soon to be whacked worthless honey crisp..
I have a galarina in my front yard on emla 111 that will be 4th leaf this year. It’s a really nice tree
Does Galarina hold or drop apples?

The Cummins description of this apple notes; “ Ripens in late September or early October”. Also, “ The apple will hang up to four weeks after expected harvest with very little stem cracking. Preferred for wildlife planting, as it will hang through deer season.”
The Cummins description of this apple notes; “ Ripens in late September or early October”. Also, “ The apple will hang up to four weeks after expected harvest with very little stem cracking. Preferred for wildlife planting, as it will hang through deer season.”

I saw that. It contradicts itself. Ohio and Ontario deer gun seasons are in late November. And bow season ends much later. Cummins is in New York, which has deer seasons ending in December and January. Either they made a mistake, or they are being dishonest.
If I remember correctly, there is a gent on here from N.Y. that posted pix of his Galarina trees in Dec. or Jan. that still had a good number of apples hanging on the trees. Snow on the ground too. It's in another thread and I don't recall which one. FWIW.
I have 5 Galarina trees apples were still hanging for our December gun season. I had to knock them off so deer could eat them. The trees grow fast and always produce a large crop of apples. They are on 118 rootstock. Zone 5 Massachusetts.
Sounds great. I will definitely get some Galarinas.
I wouldn't take exception with Cummins description. Deer season varies by the area in NY. Where they are located, bow hunting started October 1, gun season started mid November, and muzzleloader ended in mid-December. Saying it will hang 4 weeks without stem cracking doesn't mean there wouldn't be an apple on the tree to drop in December.
Saying it will hang 4 weeks without stem cracking doesn't mean...

That's not what they said. They said "The apple will hang up to four weeks after expected harvest... it will hang through deer season"