Any feedback on Galarina or empire?

Well added both Galarina an empire on b118 to the list... Better start digging holes now lol
If I remember correctly, there is a gent on here from N.Y. that posted pix of his Galarina trees in Dec. or Jan. that still had a good number of apples hanging on the trees. Snow on the ground too. It's in another thread and I don't recall which one. FWIW.

He's got several old threads showcasing his killer trees. Galarina towards the end of this one...
That Goldrush looks like a winner for Ohio as well.
Pretty much clears up the galarina debate lol
What an epic thread with some beautiful trees! Had to bump it back up in the feed!
Thanks Mortenson!! That's the guy - Natureboy - with the late-hanging Galarinas. I remembered there were pix of them on here somewhere, but couldn't remember who posted or where they were in the fruit tree section.
Thankfully, we have several each of Goldrush and Galarina. Good things to come.