Antler drop in your area?

I feel your pain bill, I've searched more than I should admit and still at zero. Did see a 2.5 buck this morning still holding but I think most have dropped
I’ve been looking for sheds and haven’t found any yet...but I’m not too good at it anyway. I usually end up working on some project instead. I know in the St. Louis area they’re still holding. One instersting thing, my brother works at a local college and they have a large resident deer herd. He said they’re not only still holding but they’re actively rubbing. I say this is interesting because I’ve noticed a couple new looking rubs on smaller saplings out at my property the last week or so as well. It makes me wonder if they’re rubbing trying to knock their antlers off or if it’s just sign posting.
Drop in my neck of the woods is a bit all over the place... think there's truth in age impacting drop.

Have an OLD buck (on declining side) who dropped in January. February cam pulls showed several additional bucks dropping at least one side. Buck that's actually most stuck like glue to my property is a promising buck I'd bet money is 2 1/2. Saw him crossing the backyard yesterday morning and he's still holding firm.

Just finished mowing 10 acres of switch to knock back the blackberry's. Not a single antler...

Just finished mowing 10 acres of switch to knock back the blackberry's. Not a single antler...

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What was the weather in MO? 52 in SE MN today

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What was the weather in MO? 52 in SE MN today

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Almost 60 today. If I didn't know better I'd be planting beans.

The silver maple in the yard is breaking bud.
Thinking might be time for me to go look for sheds. What a difference 2 days made. About 100% certain same buck I shared above in post #23. His reign as king of the hill proved mighty short lived... and he didn't seem too happy about it this morning either as two 1 1/2 year olds with tiny racks played it up around him. Couldn't help but chuckle watching the yearlings running around like Rocky celebrating at the top of the stair climb in Philadelphia.

And please don't judge on the fire ant hills. I'm hopeful that one day fire ant venom proves to be a miracle cure for some dreaded disease. Ever happens, as successful of a "fire ant farmer" as I am I'll be set for life. :emoji_wink:

I wont look until all the snow is melted. I just dont see the point. We have no trespassing issues.
I swapped cards yesterday and have a lot of pics of this one little buck still holding his. Everything else seems to have dropped.

I’ve got a week of vacation I have to use before April so I’m off next week and will be burning up some boot leather shed hunting. I haven’t had cameras out in several weeks but feel like the majority of our bucks have shed by now. I guess it’s the challenge of it but I love shed hunting almost as much as bowhunting!!
Cameras showed a few bucks carrying antlers as late as 3/7. My oldest has been anxious to find his first shed. Today he accomplished the goal. No matter the size, four in a day is a rare event here. Based on cameras, the bigger one dropped between 1/6 and 1/9. We had a great day hiking together.

The sheds great but the young one getting into finding it is better.
Only found one this year. Stepped on it yesterday while doing some hinge cutting.


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Neighbor has found 4, I'm at zero and another neighbor just saw two different bucks the other day still carrying... I guess my property line is the line separating the haves and have
I don't hunt sheds til the morels start popping. Then I look for both, and I pick up trash along the way. Lots of garbage in Ohio forests.
We found 13 and a dead head Friday afternoon and Saturday in NEMO. I also had some pics showing bucks still packing both sides on 3-27. I know a few are holding, but not many.
Just swapped cards on Saturday.

Still have multiple young deer with both sides hanging on
Guess they were correct when they predicted it was gunna be a late winter.