Age and Score guesses?

Funny you mentioned the 2013 G2, Phil. I saw that little bump-out as well & figured it became the split in 2014. Detail man, huh Phil?;)
Funny you mentioned the 2013 G2, Phil. I saw that little bump-out as well & figured it became the split in 2014. Detail man, huh Phil?;)
Yup...and I'm a die hard shed hunter....i might even like shed hunting a little more than bow I have a pretty good sized collection for a PA shed hunter....but I have been fortunate enough to have multiple year histories with a few of the bucks whose sheds are in my collection. I have an eye for piecing together antler characteristics.
The sheds were from 2012, found in spring of 2013.
gotcha...either way...i still say they are definitely from the same buck! he's one helluva deer too...maybe if you guys don't get a tag on him you'll pick up his sheds again this year.