A Thanks to all you guys

I think the industry as a whole would benefit from this way of thinking. I can't believe that at least a few others have not adopted your business method . Obviously a successful approach.

The only reason I was able to do this is because I had a real job, was willing to work at this from 8PM-2AM each night and head to work again in the AM, after 3-4 hours of sleep. It took me 8 years to be able to quit the day job, but I never felt pressure or urgency to make the outdoor thing work. If it didn't, I had a really good job already that I didn't hate (wasn't in love with it, but it paid very well for the area and I didn't hate it, either).

I was able to play the long game. Most either honestly can't (as they need income from it and they need it now) or are unwilling to do that (those 8 years I gave up any kind of a life...Few would think that was a fair trade, but I was focused on year 9 and believed the payoff of being able to craft this exactly as I wanted was worth it, if you follow). We live in a get rich quick world. That puts the minority willing and able to play the long game in a very good position, as the majority can't or won't play the long game. I'm not pretending I was smart enough to figure all that out. I just wanted this to be the exact kind of job I wanted or I refused to give up the security blanket of the day job...And was too ignorant to realize I'm NOT supposed to be able to do this and too stubborn to stop when I figured it out.

The only reason it's been successful is because you guys made it so and I was too stubborn to quit. I lost $ those first 6-7 years. Few can afford to do that. I'm finally just in the last few years now making the same kind of $ I would be if I'd stuck with the day job, but that's not bad $ and I can honestly say that I never wake up and think, "Man, I don't want to go to work today." When you flat out love what you do, you are paid to play. You guys allow me to do that and it's impossible to articulate how grateful/thankful that makes me.

All that said, Lee & Tiffy, the Bone Collectors and so one, they'll get ridiculous $$$$$$$$$$ from companies, speaking at deer shows and so on. They truly make millions. I never will. Their business model is the one most chase, and about as hard to achieve as the one I employ....hummmmmmmmm, millions vrs solid middle class?????????????????? I think that's your answer as to why as much as anything.
I did a little bit of enhancing this past winter, well after I killed him, but the bedding area was 100% natural while he lived.

Even when doing the enhancements, I didn't make a buck bed. I created doe bedding closer to the food and dropped a few trees for enhanced cover and browse in the buck bedding areas. There was/is no reason to make "buck beds" there, as it's a lock one of the most dominant bucks on the property is going to bed there every year as is. It's naturally that good and they're there already. In that case, all I can do is screw it up, as you aren't making it better. It's already as good as it gets.

I make buck beds every year. 90+% are just to keep experimenting, trying to improve/learn. I honestly believe they are generally the most overrated "improvement" one can make.

I just finished up that part of the book. Arial photo looks like hardwood timber? Is it brushy? Cedars? Blow downs?
Thanks, That makes sense. In the past few years I have avoided going to deep into the cover at any time and thus I have no clue who's sleeps where.

I'll be covering every square inch before green up this year. Time to revisit some old hinge cut areas and make improvements.
I've successfully had does bed in areas I've made for them within a week of making it. I've never had any success making a buck bed but I did successfully screw a few up trying to make them better.
Don't feel bad, Bill. As part of an attempt to enhance the learning curve, I try to get bucks to bed in locations they normally wouldn't every year. If a person could come up with a way to do that they'd have something truly worthwhile. I've yet to succeed even close to a level of any significance. I've gotten bucks to bed in locations they weren't previously bedding, but it's always in a spot that offers the traits they like/want. In the book, I give the two variations of examples I find that most useful (trying to get them to shift from a spot that doesn't hunt well to one that does play into hunter better - I fail at that more than I succeed, but succeed enough to make the attempt worthwhile - and getting them to bed on overgrown fence lines where they can't see the hunters' every move - trash the spot they're in and create a new one).
I just finished up that part of the book. Arial photo looks like hardwood timber? Is it brushy? Cedars? Blow downs?

If you go to the 3rd contour below the blue dot by the 2 primary bedding areas, start at 2 o'clock from the blue dot on the point and go to about 3 o'clock. It's extremely likely he was generally bedding in that band, almost right on that 3rd contour, based on history, old, established beds and sign the following spring. Now follow that same contour down to the point at 5 o'clock. Same thing for that point. Jump up to the 2nd contour down from the blue dot and you'll see it almost serves as an outline for a more grassy, overgrown area. It has some existing switch grass in it (there's switch growing all over this property, not sure if its from plantings having seeds spread or occurs naturally), a few red cedars, autumn olive and general trash brush, trees and shrubs, but fairly open. Though there isn't a foundation that can be found there, I'm pretty sure it's a super old homestead. Some family groups bed in there, based on various sized beds one can find, but it doesn't look like the bucks do much if any at all.

The areas I described where the bucks have a high tendency to bed is mature mixed hardwoods in those areas. heck, most of the area surrounding the old homestead was just that. I'm 99.9% sure they gravitate to those areas because of the view and ability to use the wind while bedding.

Interestingly, the one year I've been there that Mr. Big (whoever he may be that year) didn't bed in that area the top didn't get planted by the farmer. All the farm crops were planted below. The does packed up high, closer to what was their primary food source below. I "believe" they were just going through there too much for Mr. Big to be comfortable there. When the top and bottom are both planted, they bed closer to the food on top and that's generally the food they hit first in the afternoon, pretty much leaving those buck bedding areas alone. Part of the reason I went in there to work after killing Tweenie was to define the doe bedding a bit more and to try to stop that from happening again, if the top goes unplanted again in the future. Also, that was one of the first years on the ground and I didn't have the volume of food plots on top I do now. between the food plots and hinged doe bedding (which they used like crazy this past year), those behaviors should remain pretty constant, regardless of what the farmer does.
The only reason I was able to do this is because I had a real job, was willing to work at this from 8PM-2AM each night and head to work again in the AM, after 3-4 hours of sleep. It took me 8 years to be able to quit the day job, but I never felt pressure or urgency to make the outdoor thing work. If it didn't, I had a really good job already that I didn't hate (wasn't in love with it, but it paid very well for the area and I didn't hate it, either).

I was able to play the long game. Most either honestly can't (as they need income from it and they need it now) or are unwilling to do that (those 8 years I gave up any kind of a life...Few would think that was a fair trade, but I was focused on year 9 and believed the payoff of being able to craft this exactly as I wanted was worth it, if you follow). We live in a get rich quick world. That puts the minority willing and able to play the long game in a very good position, as the majority can't or won't play the long game. I'm not pretending I was smart enough to figure all that out. I just wanted this to be the exact kind of job I wanted or I refused to give up the security blanket of the day job...And was too ignorant to realize I'm NOT supposed to be able to do this and too stubborn to stop when I figured it out.

The only reason it's been successful is because you guys made it so and I was too stubborn to quit. I lost $ those first 6-7 years. Few can afford to do that. I'm finally just in the last few years now making the same kind of $ I would be if I'd stuck with the day job, but that's not bad $ and I can honestly say that I never wake up and think, "Man, I don't want to go to work today." When you flat out love what you do, you are paid to play. You guys allow me to do that and it's impossible to articulate how grateful/thankful that makes me.

All that said, Lee & Tiffy, the Bone Collectors and so one, they'll get ridiculous $$$$$$$$$$ from companies, speaking at deer shows and so on. They truly make millions. I never will. Their business model is the one most chase, and about as hard to achieve as the one I employ....hummmmmmmmm, millions vrs solid middle class?????????????????? I think that's your answer as to why as much as anything.
If you go to the 3rd contour below the blue dot by the 2 primary bedding areas, start at 2 o'clock from the blue dot on the point and go to about 3 o'clock. It's extremely likely he was generally bedding in that band, almost right on that 3rd contour, based on history, old, established beds and sign the following spring. Now follow that same contour down to the point at 5 o'clock. Same thing for that point. Jump up to the 2nd contour down from the blue dot and you'll see it almost serves as an outline for a more grassy, overgrown area. It has some existing switch grass in it (there's switch growing all over this property, not sure if its from plantings having seeds spread or occurs naturally), a few red cedars, autumn olive and general trash brush, trees and shrubs, but fairly open. Though there isn't a foundation that can be found there, I'm pretty sure it's a super old homestead. Some family groups bed in there, based on various sized beds one can find, but it doesn't look like the bucks do much if any at all.

The areas I described where the bucks have a high tendency to bed is mature mixed hardwoods in those areas. heck, most of the area surrounding the old homestead was just that. I'm 99.9% sure they gravitate to those areas because of the view and ability to use the wind while bedding.

Interestingly, the one year I've been there that Mr. Big (whoever he may be that year) didn't bed in that area the top didn't get planted by the farmer. All the farm crops were planted below. The does packed up high, closer to what was their primary food source below. I "believe" they were just going through there too much for Mr. Big to be comfortable there. When the top and bottom are both planted, they bed closer to the food on top and that's generally the food they hit first in the afternoon, pretty much leaving those buck bedding areas alone. Part of the reason I went in there to work after killing Tweenie was to define the doe bedding a bit more and to try to stop that from happening again, if the top goes unplanted again in the future. Also, that was one of the first years on the ground and I didn't have the volume of food plots on top I do now. between the food plots and hinged doe bedding (which they used like crazy this past year), those behaviors should remain pretty constant, regardless of what the farmer does.

I've been to Lee & Tiff's place and I know how the backstage so to speak works and honestly its a life very few of us could actually handle and I know you know how it all works from that end yourself. In my opinion you have it better off than they do in respect what people would really want if they knew what they have to deal with on a day in and day out basis. Most would be way in over their head or just frankly would not have the right attitude or personality for that life. Generally speaking for them they are lucky to have Tiffany's mom Linda which is one of the nicest people I've ever met manage a lot for them as well as the rest of the small crew they have. They are on the road 250+ days a year and of course when you are a brand as they are there is constant non-stop calls and meetings that never end and you always have to be happy even when it's a down day, that is no easy task to keep going. Kudos to them for being able to make it work though, I know they sincerly do enjoy meeting people and sharing their adventures with everyone.
I hope you are able to continue to do what you are doing now until you decide not to many years from now.
I've been to Lee & Tiff's place and I know how the backstage so to speak works and honestly its a life very few of us could actually handle and I know you know how it all works from that end yourself.

Completely agree, Shawn. I'll even top it off with saying something else you know, they are generally good people. Most people don't know/see that part, though. I respect what the Lee & Tiffies of the world have done for their personal careers, in many ways (I also have an issue with some of it, but it's easy to throw stones from a safe distance). I try not to say or write this much, as I fear it comes off as jealously, and I am NOT the least bit jealous. You honestly couldn't pay me enough to live that life. I'd hate it and would be a dismal failure faking it, and they are forced to do just that (faking being happy on crap days, faking you like a big $$$$$$ sponsor, when they really drive you nuts....I'm safe, though. I'd never even sniff being them if I tried. I don't have the "it" factor at all). Life in a spotlight comes with some good, and a metric ton of bad.

The catch is most that chase that dream have no clue what they're really chasing. The old saying, "Be careful what you wish for," comes to mind.
Maybe if you bleached your hair blonde? Might help, never know where it could lead. Hahahahaha.
I've made my way through all the old checks, finding a few email addresses I hadn't sent the PDFs out to. A lot of you that sent checks earlier have contacted me (thanks) and I've gotten you the PDFs, but I still have 39 more checks than sent PDFs.

So, if you have sent a check, but haven't received the PDFs kick an email to bowwriter@yahoo.com and I'll get one out to you, as well as the hardcover in May/June.
I've made my way through all the old checks, finding a few email addresses I hadn't sent the PDFs out to. A lot of you that sent checks earlier have contacted me (thanks) and I've gotten you the PDFs, but I still have 39 more checks than sent PDFs.

So, if you have sent a check, but haven't received the PDFs kick an email to bowwriter@yahoo.com and I'll get one out to you, as well as the hardcover in May/June.

Steve-I have never seen someone do what you have done for us. It shows your honesty.
Art, I have too bad of a memory to be dishonest...That said, I think it really jut shows I mean what I say. If it weren't for your support, I'd be able to do maybe 10% of what I do. I see it as being wrong on many levels not to try to do things to repay those that do for you. I wouldn't like/respect who looked at me in the mirror if I didn't. Not to get too deep, but is there really much of anything more important in life than not hating/respecting the person you are? The more one really thinks about it, the list of things that are more important than that is pretty darn short.
Hey all...I just got my hands on the hardcovers today. I'll get them out tomorrow. SOOOOOOOOO, if you ordered one from me and don't have it by the end of next Wednesday, the 18th, kick me an email with your address, please. With the publishing delay, this drug on for way longer than it should have and I'd hate to see anyone fall through the cracks....Thanks! bowwriter@yahoo.com
Wow times sure have changed.....

So yesterday the truck power steering decides to spring a leak by the cooling unit. Go online last night to order a part around 7 or 8pm. Of course off to the side all those ads pop up and reminds me I wanted to get a couple copies of Steve's book for friends and guess what free shipping on the books above $25. So the books are free shipping and my part is gonna be normal shipping. Amazon sends me a confirmation right away and got another email around 1:30am books are shipping.

Was gone part of today and got back and while out in the yard around 2pm happen to see a box by my front door! Less than 24 hrs, 4th of July weekend, on a Sunday. Wow! Guess they wanted to send the important stuff right away.......still waiting on my truck part. :)
We are spoiled these days. I'm always amazed at how fast stuff hits the front porch. I buy lots of car stuff directly from summit racing and it always seems to be here in a day or two.
Who is old enough to remember sending a letter to have a catalog mailed to you?
Then you mail in a check and your order. They wait until the check clears the bank and then your product was shipped. Often it was 6 weeks. Order by Thanksgiving and hope to get it by Christmas.
I just turned 41 but I remember getting the bass pro catalog in the mail. I would make several lists of all the fishing lures I wanted. I would then be very carefully copying my final order on to their order sheet. I would then give my mom my worm picking money in exchange for a check. 6 weeks later I would get that box of lures in the mail and I was on cloud nine until the next catalog came.
I just turned 47 and I still remember getting compound bows shipped to my door COD. The young guys probably have no clue what that is. And no guys, it isn't "Call of Duty"...............