Hey guys. I know I've said a handful of times how much I appreciate you all directly/purposefully and indirectly/accidentally supporting my career. I've also mentioned that the learning sure isn't a one way street with me here. I've picked up a handful of new ideas, had my eyes opened to a bunch of different ways of looking at things and you all have done way more than you'll ever realize or I can put in words to explain how you've helped show me the most effective ways to articulate all sorts of stuff (i.e. when I didn't include addressing _____ in a post, virtually no one understood what I meant, but including it made all the difference in the world. If some of the best habitat guys around didn't get it without that inclusion, how in the world can I expect your average habitat guys to get it....all sorts of stuff like that).
Anyway, I'm going to put my $ where my mouth is. I just finished my habitat book a couple weeks ago. It's 80,000 words, an almost ridiculous number of picture, including a bunch of real world and a few made up plans, full color and hard cover. The link at the bottom is for Amazon's preorder page (DON'T buy it there, unless you want to spend $10 extra for no reason...I just included it to show the book is real, or will be once the publisher is done). Its 15 chapters, not counting the Acknowledgements and intro, divided into 3 section: how to hunt managed ground (not how-too hunting, but how-too hunt managed ground without the deer knowing you're there), how to manage the habitat and a smidge on how to manage deer. I tried not to spend much time on things that have already been written on to death. For example, there's only one chapter on planting food plots, and the portion dedicated to traditional planting methods only makes up 10ish % of that chapter, as there are already all sorts of great resources available on how to plant food plots. I had no desire to waste space on things already readily available. Instead, I tried to focus as much as I could on things I find important that everyone doesn't either already know or could find quality info on without much digging.
Flat out, this book is at least twice as good as it would have been if I hadn't known you guys for this long.
So, here's what I'm going to do. The price for me to buy my own book is going to be in the low 20s. Anyone of you that want it, send me a check for $25 and I'll sign and send it when it arrives (likely in Mid December). That way, my costs and shipping are covered, but I won't be making a cent on it (I don't get royalties on any books I write that I buy myself). Since you all made this book so much better than it otherwise would have, by being so invaluable in teaching me the level one needs to get to for others to understand, as well as needing to mention so many exceptions and such, I feel the least I can do is give it to you at my true cost.
Absolutely no worries if you don't want it (no B.S., this is really meant as a thanks). If you do, send $25, along with the address you want it shipped to and name to sign it too (or if you don't want it signed) to the address below. I won't even cash them until the books ship (so, don't expect the checks to cash before some time in Nov or Dec).