30% vinegar


5 year old buck +
Does using 30% vinegar for killing weeds effect the soil pH?
I'm mostly wondering about over spray, wasn't thinking about transference thru the weed.
Thanks in advance.
I would guess if it did it would be a very short lived change. Unless you are pouring gallons in a small area.
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Vinegar is also known as acetic acid.
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A guy at camp used vinegar to spray his little foodplot down before seeding. H does not have the greatest results, mainly due to not using good seed. It does kill existing vegetation at the time, and other things grow in its place. Club overall had low pH sandy soil that changes pH with a small amount of lime. IF you got something like clay, completely no issues. He is using hay seed from a barn floor, so really hard to tell success. I offer him rye and clover seed every year and refuses. Guy is anti roundup. It kills the sedge leaves, but it comes come back form the roots. Seems to be more short lived than gly. Small shrubs and trees are dead if sprayed during the summer with vinegar though. Sedge is a tough critter though, ever yeyar i spray it's not in the food plot much. If I sprayed more than once a year, it wold be close to extinct in my opinion. It's been hard to spray every year due to rain though.

vinegar make seems strong when checking the pH of the solution, but it is a weak acid. Often used to neutralize strong bases safely in enviromental cleanup and hazmat responses in chemical labs.
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