24D on RR Corn?


5 year old buck +
Ive been looking at past threads but not finding any real answers...

Trying to control some Waterhemp in my RR Corn. Im planning on using 24D with a surfactant. Is there a best time to do this? Should i mix it with my Gly? Is there a product youd recommend instead? I planted a week and a half ago and expect to start seeing some green any moment.

Just wondering if this is a good idea?

It is always a good idea to rotate plots and herbicide use. From the label, (LV400, 61.74%) apply 1/2 to 1 pt per acre. This is not a 2% in the tank method. Too much 2-4,D can injure the corn. Know how much 2,4-D is actually being applied per area.

2-4,D on corn.JPG
Im going to make sure i dont overdo it then. These plot has been rotated corn/beans for may years and often has a thin WR or Brassica cover crop. Im going to go heavy on the WR this fall in hopes that it helps smother the Water hemp before I no-till next years beans.

I will be spraying with a 16 gallon ATV sprayer. Can i just add to my Gly or would you recommend applying separately?

Thank you for your suggestions!
I will be spraying with a 16 gallon ATV sprayer. Can i just add to my Gly or would you recommend applying separately?
Separately. Depending on what weeds are sprouting when, decide which to spray first at that time. Maybe wait 2-4 weeks between gly-2,4D sprayings, depending on corn height, weather, and weed/grass growth.
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Im going to make sure i dont overdo it then. These plot has been rotated corn/beans for may years and often has a thin WR or Brassica cover crop. Im going to go heavy on the WR this fall in hopes that it helps smother the Water hemp before I no-till next years beans.

I will be spraying with a 16 gallon ATV sprayer. Can i just add to my Gly or would you recommend applying separately?

Thank you for your suggestions!

And keep in mind when the amount of herbicide is critical like this it is especially important to calibrate your sprayer so you know how much is being applied. When spraying gly, many guys just wing it, but with other herbicides things can get more critical.


I totally understand where youre coming from yoder, but how do you calibrate with an ATV sprayer? Its about a 10-12' path and depending on my speed and soft spots and gopher mounds, etc... I know being very consistent is going to be tough. Ill probably go light and do my best, see if it makes a difference. It'll be a learning experience. The last thing I want to do is roast my corn!
I totally understand where youre coming from yoder, but how do you calibrate with an ATV sprayer? Its about a 10-12' path and depending on my speed and soft spots and gopher mounds, etc... I know being very consistent is going to be tough. Ill probably go light and do my best, see if it makes a difference. It'll be a learning experience. The last thing I want to do is roast my corn!

There are lots of methods to calibrate a sprayer. A sprayer on a tractor is more accurate because the tractor holds a more constant speed, but if you are careful to try to hold the same speed, you can get reasonably close with an ATV.

One way to calibrate it is to simply fill it with water and go spray your field. When you are done, the size of your sprayer minus whatever water is left is how much output your sprayer puts out to cover your field. Simply put that much water in your sprayer and multiply the per/acre rate times the percentage of an acre that your field is. It is not going to be exact with an ATV, as you say there are variability's, but it will be much closer than just guessing.


I use the tach(rpm) on my ATV as an indication of how fast I am moving. Seems a lot easier and more accurate than the speedometer then do exactly as Jack says. I know how much liquid is being applied to one acre if I run the AVT in low gear at 5,000rpm. I mix my tank accordingly and spray at that speed.
I drove my Suburban along side my Kubota with 55 gallon Fimco PTO sprayer behind it. At 4 mph in the Suburban the tractor in a 5th gear low range was doing 1,800 rpm on the tachometer. The 4mph figure was taken from the sprayer instruction book. The calibration was validated when I sprayed a measured 5 acre field with 50 gallons of mixed 41% gly and water and the sprayer was empty after the last pass.