5 year old buck +
One of my boys really wants a 22LR revolver to shoot so I’ve sort of jumped down that rabbit hole now researching them I had been sort of looking for another Magnum Research 22LR rifle but now these are my current passion. My brother had a cheap single action when we were kids that wasn’t anything great but we did have fun with it. He sold it quite a few years ago and we have spoken since about them my brother I think regrets selling the one he had or perhaps would like a nicer one to replace it. I’ve about convinced myself to pick up a S&W 617 or maybe a Colt King Cobra both of these are are 10 shot double action guns I prefer the looks of the Colt but I’m most likely going to buy the S&W for function the Colt cylinder release is odd you pull it back not push it forward. Either of these would be a pretty nice firearm I’m sure. 

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