22LR Revolver


5 year old buck +
One of my boys really wants a 22LR revolver to shoot so I’ve sort of jumped down that rabbit hole now researching them I had been sort of looking for another Magnum Research 22LR rifle but now these are my current passion. My brother had a cheap single action when we were kids that wasn’t anything great but we did have fun with it. He sold it quite a few years ago and we have spoken since about them my brother I think regrets selling the one he had or perhaps would like a nicer one to replace it. I’ve about convinced myself to pick up a S&W 617 or maybe a Colt King Cobra both of these are are 10 shot double action guns I prefer the looks of the Colt but I’m most likely going to buy the S&W for function the Colt cylinder release is odd you pull it back not push it forward. Either of these would be a pretty nice firearm I’m sure. IMG_0087.jpeg
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Many moons ago I had a S&W 686. Regret selling it to my brother, but my eyes aren't what they used to be. I notice the 617 has patridge sights, which is what I had on the 686. Never did like red ramp sights. I thought the patridge was far superior for the silhouette shooting I was doing.
I love the 617, but it is a heavy gun. If it'll spend much time outside the range, I would go for something lighter. Hard to beat a S&W for a revolver though. Maybe he would like one that swaps to 22mag
S&W makes a switch cylinder?
S&W makes a switch cylinder?
Don't think so, but Ruger used to. I think they called it the Super Single Six. Wasn't real accurate though. The barrel was bored for the magnums and the LR's would rattle down the barrel.
I think the single six barrel is right in the middle, so not perfect for either.
They can shoot though, like anything else, some will some won't.

When I wanted a Smith, 20+ years ago now, the 617's were everywhere, and relatively cheap. But I kept reading about accuracy issues due to poor chamber alignment. (that may have been a passing problem, don't know) I was after a 17 and it took a long time to find one. Eventually I found a 4" Model 18 languishing on a store shelf at a cheap price, because of a horrible double action trigger. It had a timing problem from a cylinder stop / spring issue. Easy fix once I figured it out. (I know what it was doing, but couldn't figure out why it was doing lol)

Years later I had started doing LOTS of double action shooting, shooting USPSA revolver and the 22 was fun cheap practice. I thought a 10 shot would be good for that. Of course the 617's were no longer everywhere, and the prices had skyrocketed!
Yes the prices are high for sure
Had to dig around to find pics of the kid with his first .22 revolver. It was my Grandfather's. He wore it while she'd and mushroom hunting. We could always find something to plink at. Good way to teach safely in a relaxed atmosphere (unlike hunting which can be intense). More western style than what you seem to be looking at.
Thats about the perfect barrel length.

If the person is close to the age where he might concealed carry, maybe get what he would want for that. Still might be a revolver. I kinda think they're a bit of the safer choice for carry. But, if he's more into autoloaders, maybe get one along those lines.
Yes the prices are high for sure
I was a dealer for years (still have my FFL). The 10 shot 617 is the best 22LR revolver, IMO. I have put 100,000+ rounds through two of them back in the decade that I taught CCW classes and 70 rounds through a revolver and 70 rounds through a pistol was required to qualify. They are truly guns your grandkids will be passing down to their grandchildren!
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Thanks for the info this is what I was hoping for real world use.
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Don't think so, but Ruger used to. I think they called it the Super Single Six. Wasn't real accurate though. The barrel was bored for the magnums and the LR's would rattle down the barrel.
I have a Single Six w/ the cylinders to shoot LR or Mags. Have not shot it much.....and I have never really learned to shoot a revolver very well. I thought I might teach my grandsons to shoot with it....but it never happened.

I kinda like single action guns to teach kids. Safer when you gotta cock that hammer.....IMO.

Also bought a Ruger Bearcat.....which is a small single action pistol. Made for the ladies or young folks. Also is small enough to be a tackle-box pistol.......or some such thing. It's cute.....but my hands are too big to use it much.
I have a Single Six w/ the cylinders to shoot LR or Mags. Have not shot it much.....and I have never really learned to shoot a revolver very well. I thought I might teach my grandsons to shoot with it....but it never happened.

I kinda like single action guns to teach kids. Safer when you gotta cock that hammer.....IMO.

Also bought a Ruger Bearcat.....which is a small single action pistol. Made for the ladies or young folks. Also is small enough to be a tackle-box pistol.......or some such thing. It's cute.....but my hands are too big to use it much.

I love the Bearcat! For some reason I think it's about the coolest pistol ever!
I love the Bearcat! For some reason I think it's about the coolest pistol ever!
That is what I thought too....and why I bought one. Got a decent flap holster for it too. My revolvers are mostly stainless too....so leaving them in a holster for storage does not present a problem as it may with a blued gun.

Likely my favorite revolver tho is an SP-101 in 357 with a 4" barrel (I think) . Makes a good truck gun or woods walk or carry gun with the right rig. The size and weight is not excessive....and it fits my hand. Again, mine is stainless.
It’s been a tradition in our family for a few generations to get a 22 pistol around the age of fifteen, either handed down or purchased.

I picked a Ruger single six when I was a kid. Have shot thousands of rounds through it plinking and hunting. It has a 7 1/2” barrel with a 22LR and 22Mag cylinders.
I still love it but it doesn’t get out much anymore, will end up going to a grandson one of these days.


My oldest son picked my Dads seven shot double action Iver Johnson revolver, youngest son picked a new Colt 1911 22LR when he turned fifteen.
^ That is where most of my guns are going too......to my grand children. This year I think I will have a 22 pistol for each and a Marlin lever action 22. Lots of ammo going too. Maybe another gun choice too. I sure don't shoot much anymore.....and maintaining a collection is not my thing. It's time.
Do they still sell the flip open 8 shot? It was either a S&W or Harrington Richards
Do they still sell the flip open 8 shot? It was either a S&W or Harrington Richards
Saw you at the games last night, but every time I tried to say hi someone derailed me.
I saw you in stands also,your boys looked good
Do they still sell the flip open 8 shot? It was either a S&W or Harrington Richards
I think that was H&R. Wonder what ever happened to that company?

I had a falling block 22 rifle that I think was made by them. I converted it to shoot those purple nail gun rounds in the chamber and fitted the muzzle with a sleeve to allow attaching a dog dummy like they use on those commercially made.

What was neat about mine.....was the dog began to focus his gaze on where I was aiming as....I would prevent him from breaking at the shot. He picked up on the barrel direction pretty fast.....and was much better at marking ducks as a result. It was really a good way to train a bird dog either for ducks, field trials, or afield. I was at a field trial....and somebody stole that gun from the back of my truck. Baxturd's!

I think my dummy gun would throw that dummy about 100 yards. Very neat tool....and I dont think I had $20 in the gun....before modifying it.

Reg USPTO. BR549
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