228 acres and farm for sale in MN


5 year old buck +
I just thought I would post this on here because of the other post of no land for sale. The land is in northern MN, about 30 minutes southwest of Duluth. It is a 70/30 mix of hay land and woods, with some lowland, in it as well. It has a rather large ~50-100’machine shed in good condition, an old barn, in not good condition, and an older 5 bedroom farm house. With water and septic.738237F4-F233-4B8A-8B1A-63FB18E16C21.jpeg2B569074-2373-4855-A9DA-82860FE99976.jpegC95DC4BF-0666-4387-8904-627CDFF18DEF.jpeg
Here is a overview of the land. All in the picture except the 2 lots in the bottom left corner.
Nice parcel!
Price hasnt been totally established yet, but it will be somewhere around $350,000-$400,000 for the land and farm, depending on if it is a private sale, or it goes through a realtor.

There are lots of deer on this land, many decent bucks have been shot off of it, with many great points, and edges to hunt. I dont personally hunt turkeys, but I have seen many. There is a small drainage ditch that runs through the middle, that when it rains it will pond up, and it will load up on ducks and geese in the fall. With a little work you could get a pond to be there year around. It is beautiful land. it is 1 mile out of a small town, so easy access to the essentials. It has 7 different land sections, so if anyone wanted to sell off some, it could easily be done. There is 2 building sites, so you could sell off one of the building sites, and keep the main farm. I am looking to move this place in June, if I cant get a private sale done in June, it will be listed by a realtor for a higher amount.

Edit: All of the hay ground was under plow 20+ years ago, but they decided to do hay instead, easier for an older couple.
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x2 looks good.
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Nice place but too cold for me.
That's an incredible area. I hope you guys get a bunch for it. I live in the Twin Cities. If I wasn't so focused on our Missouri farms, I would seriously be considering it. It is an incredible area and I'm sure if you don't get enough interest here, you will have no problem selling it to someone from one of the metro areas.
Thanks. In different times I would keep it, but we decided to move to Wisconsin, and I am not able to keep both.
That is a good looking piece. And the price is great compared to my neighborhood lately.
That is a good looking piece. And the price is great compared to my neighborhood lately.
It could be yours! For under $1700 an acre, and a farm, and house.
It could be yours! For under $1700 an acre, and a farm, and house.

I would just need more time on my hands and a clueless wife :emoji_relaxed:.

She tolerates a lot, but I try not to push it to far.... but just far enough.

unfortunately, there is no clueless in her. :). She would never publicly admit it, but she knows our farm is a good investment.
Wow, pricing like that has been unheard of around here for 20 years. What kind of yield potential do the tillable acres have? Is it suitable for corn/beans?
Wow, pricing like that has been unheard of around here for 20 years. What kind of yield potential do the tillable acres have? Is it suitable for corn/beans?

It hasnt been tilled since the late 80's. It was my aunt and uncles, and at the time they were getting older, and so was their equipment, so they decided to put it all into hay ground. I know back in the 80's they use to plant corn. But I am sure it would need some new tile before putting it back into row crops.

It is a great piece of property, just how all the fingers come out from the wooded land, it hunts easy.

The house is livable, as she did live there until this past winter, it would need some updates, but it could easily be a rental. With the price of hay lately, it would easiliy pay for itself just running the hay ground like she did.