2025 Scion Exchange

I am looking for any fall dropping varieties. Sep, oct, nov. in return I have pink lady, gala, honey crisp, granny, yellow delicious, wolf, an old farmstead apple tree that produces a lot of fruit, not that great tasting so I leave them for the wildlife. I have so,e others I’m forgetting.

Zone 6
I am looking for any fall dropping varieties. Sep, oct, nov. in return I have pink lady, gala, honey crisp, granny, yellow delicious, wolf, an old farmstead apple tree that produces a lot of fruit, not that great tasting so I leave them for the wildlife. I have so,e others I’m forgetting.

Zone 6
I got to go through what I have left for fall dropping trees, but I know I will have plenty of droptine, 30-06, crossbow, galarina, and liberty, left. Maybe a twig or two of sundance, franklin cider. Most my trees are 2-3 years old, but I am pruning them agressively to make nice smaller trees in the backyard.
I got to go through what I have left for fall dropping trees, but I know I will have plenty of droptine, 30-06, crossbow, galarina, and liberty, left. Maybe a twig or two of sundance, franklin cider. Most my trees are 2-3 years old, but I am pruning them agressively to make nice smaller trees in the backyard.
I’ll take a couple of any you can spare. Let me know what you want in return. I do have have an Asian pear, keiffer and a 20th century pear, but that one might only have one or two
Ill send you some scions. Far as pear goes, I am getting my 3rd pear on order, korearn giant / olympic pear. Got a keiffer and a bartlett. Send telemark those pear scions and we'll call it good.

I might buy pear roortsotkc next year or new trees. 2023 my kieffer and bartlettt were planted and did ok. 2024 they didn't put much meat on the bones. Maybe 6 inches growth. Had some black leaves too. Might have disease issues. I do have heavy soil, and both were box store trees on who knows what rootstock. Pretty sure I ordered olympic on onx87 rootstock.

I thought peaches on my heavy soil was going to be the worst fruit. Got 2 saturn peaches from stark nursery. They might be a contender for my best growing tree. 2 years old and almost soda can side trunk.
Sent telemark a pm.

At what point do you remove the fence? If ever? Most of my trees have been doing very well. Just started this year producing, but they were smaller apples and just a couple on some of the other trees
Never remove your fence around fruit trees!
Sent telemark a pm.

At what point do you remove the fence? If ever? Most of my trees have been doing very well. Just started this year producing, but they were smaller apples and just a couple on some of the other trees
I typically start with a 6' tall welded wire fence around my apple trees to prevent browsing/rubbing. Once the trees are around 8' tall in a few years, I remove the big cage around the tree and put a smaller diameter 4' tall welded wire fence around the trunk to prevent rubbing.
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I think I have 4' around all of mine now. Some of the trunks are getting big, probably soda can or slightly bigger. Those have been in the ground 2-3 years. I am hoping for enough production from them to make some cider this year
Got good branches about 5ft up in the air? IF you remove the fencing, bucks are likely gonna rub the tree. Almost think smaller mesh might be better for mature trees. Keeps the sap sucker birds at bay some.

Some folks wrap the trubk with metal roof flashing, to keep racoons from climbing up the tree.

Trying like 16 inch diameter 4ft tall 1/4" hardware mesh cages at camp with a bunch of cut branches around them. Making them less noticeable. Loggers can be brutal up there. Running over treestands and stuff.
I have been grafting for a few years now. I hate the outrageous prices these nurseries charge for shipping these small scions. I understand they have to make money and it it what it is. I don't have any scion to trade but does anybody know of places that people will send out free scion or just charge the postage to ship? would be really appreciated!

I got a few varieties nobody is realing biting on. Empire williams pride pristine macoun maybe a bit of sundance left and some galarina. Think nobody wanted any enterprise If I recall right. I am topworking a droptine and golden delicious. Looking to minimize disease issues at home, especially cedar apple rust. Will have tons of left over scions after the shears come out.

H2ofowler, I have pristine, williams pride, cranberry, and chestnut for early apple.

B116757, I had interest in nova EZgro. when does that tree drop for you? Thinking I need some later blooming trees up north than a justa bunch of crabapples. That apple is good upto zone 2 as well. -9 in old forge NY the other night. Supposed to be warmer at home, -17. My deer yard up some winters when the snow gets too high. ONly snowshoe hares coyotes and grouse left to eat apples past december most winters.

Still looking for a self seeding bird crabapple. Let nature do the legwork. Got siebold / toringo crabapple I am thinking of trying. I got adirondack coming. Almost thinking that briar lane might be good too. bite sized.
Looking for a stick or 2 of Kudos scion wood. Will happily pay for this.
I have been grafting for a few years now. I hate the outrageous prices these nurseries charge for shipping these small scions. I understand they have to make money and it it what it is. I don't have any scion to trade but does anybody know of places that people will send out free scion or just charge the postage to ship? would be really appreciated!

What are you looking for?
Hello, I am looking for some persimmon scion. These were some varieties I had recommended to me by Cliff England. I have included the drop time for him in KY. I'm in easter Ohio so I assume they might be a little different. If anyone would recommend any other varieties, I'm open to those too.


100-29 Deer Magnet(Nov-Dec)
Buck Kandy(Dec-Jan)
Deer Candy (Dec)
Jon Price (long drop late oct-early dec)


Dana Hovey
Drippin' Honey
Harrow Sweet


Arkansa Black
Ashmeads Kernel
Blue Pearmain
Chestnut Crab
Cox orange pippin
Crimson Topaz
Golden Delicious

Golden Russet
Kidds Orange Red
King David
Kingston Black
Medaille d'or
Newtown Pippin
Northern Spy
Pink Pearl
Pixie Crunch

Spitzenburg Esopus
Sweet Sixteen
Virginia Crab Hewes
Wickson Crab

These are varieties I have in the orchard at my house. I have some more wildlife varieties at my hunting property, but I think those need another year to get much scion.

What are you looking for?
Looking to attract wildlife, prefer late dropping Apples (located in Hudson Valley, NY) might be getting some help from a member from here. That’s what makes this site great!
Looking for persimmon; Meader, Prok, Yates, Early Golden, etc... basically anything that I can start learning to graft with. Will gladly pay for them.

Walked my trees out yesterday. Got plenty for you. Might be sending more than you need, just graft a branch here n there incase you want something in the future. Can send you a forest full of droptine 30-06 and liberty. Not sure IF I am growing wildlife tree or hedges with fruit at home. Some scions are gonna roll.
I Have:
Freedom, Empire, Cortland, Honeycrisp, Mac and a wild crab with dime-sized fruit (birds?)

I'd Like:
Crossbow, Roadkill or eating varieties very resistant to CAR.

Walked my trees out yesterday. Got plenty for you. Might be sending more than you need, just graft a branch here n there incase you want something in the future. Can send you a forest full of droptine 30-06 and liberty. Not sure IF I am growing wildlife tree or hedges with fruit at home. Some scions are gonna roll.
Wow man I really appreciate this!!
No problem luongo.

Stubborn1, I tink someone was going to send me roadkill. I can give you any extras he might have. I do have crossbow, plenty of liberty, some enterprise, some galarina, I might be out of sundance, but probably can save a stick. Got williams pride for a early season apple. Haven't seen any CAR on arkansas black, been here 2 years and probaby 50 yards from a cedar.

I would be interested in cortland and that bird sized crab. Looking to cultivate a variety that seeds itself.