2025 Scion Exchange


5 year old buck +
What are guy wanting to graft? I got 28 trees to graft. 10 M111's half for me half for friends. 5 Anty at camp, 10 Siberian from SLN im trying out, and 3 B118 to see how they do up there. Also got 2 mulberrys Im trying again.

MY 2-3 year old trees can spare a few scions of the following

Granny Smith
Golden Delicious
A bit of Williams Pride
Saturn Peach

I am Looking for about 4-6 tree each of:
Winter Wildlife
Turning Point
adirondack crab
Courthouse Crab

Since I got tree folks ears, Anybody plant turkey Creek's version of Dolgo, Wondering about size,drop times, and flowering group guess. Dolgo can be all over the place.
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I have:
Chestnut Crab
30-06 Crab
Droptine Crab
10 Point Crab
Big Dog Crab
October Crab-limited
Golden Russet
Nova Scotia Crab
Transcendent Crab
Arkansas Black-limited
Seckel Pear- limited
BH Early Bow Pear- limited

Cold Hardy Persimmons varieties
I can take any and all pear scions people can spare for my wild Callery grafting project. I will try to do a post on that soon. I found a couple hundred young seedling Callery pears on some abandoned soccer fields. I'm trying to turn it into a huge edible pear grove for the local wildlife and people and drown out the pure Callery genes.
I can take any and all pear scions people can spare for my wild Callery grafting project. I will try to do a post on that soon. I found a couple hundred young seedling Callery pears on some abandoned soccer fields. I'm trying to turn it into a huge edible pear grove for the local wildlife and people and drown out the pure Callery genes.

I have several Blue Hill varieties, some no longer offered, but lost the tags on the trees.

If knowing the variety doesn't matter, I can send some. They're Sweet Advent, Havest, November Nectar, Danville Kieffer, and Malus...just don't know which is which.
I can take any and all pear scions people can spare for my wild Callery grafting project. I will try to do a post on that soon. I found a couple hundred young seedling Callery pears on some abandoned soccer fields. I'm trying to turn it into a huge edible pear grove for the local wildlife and people and drown out the pure Callery genes.
You come up short with the pear scions, I'd go to the local home n garden store and chop up a kieffer pear or two. Probably could make 50+ trees out of a single pear, and plant whats left too.
I am also looking for any pear varieties at all to top off CPs.....

Not sure what i can send out....new to this. I have some wld apples and some ROD and RPDogwood which i can get cuttings from
This will be my first season attempting bark grafting, trying to bring some trees back to life. I have 5 apple tress on my property that are about 10 years old that have not been maintained and have very little fruit each year if any. I’m looking for some disease resistant scions of apples or crabapples that can hold up in a very limited spray situation. I am in zone 6a/5b in sw Michigan. Any help would be much appreciated as I am new to this. Thanks
I have several Blue Hill varieties, some no longer offered, but lost the tags on the trees.

If knowing the variety doesn't matter, I can send some. They're Sweet Advent, Havest, November Nectar, Danville Kieffer, and Malus...just don't know which is which.

I don't need to know which is which. There's hundreds spread out over a few acres, so I won't be labelling all of them. I'll label a few so I can gather scions for people in the future, but most will just be for the wildlife.
I wont know what I have until February when I get up to camp to collect scion. I should have a decent amount of Droptine, 30-06, and Crossbow. Not sure what all I will have left as I'm taking on a sizeable grafting and topworking project.

Some of the varieties I have:
- Enterprise
Arkansas Black
Granny Smith
Big Dog
10 pt
Winter gold
Road Kill
Ed's Crazy
Sweet November
Turning point
Rusty's Favorite
Rut Rage pear
Colette pear
Korean Giant
Harvest pear
Marble Hill
Sweet Advent

And several crabapple varieties on my home property that I've named myself.
Datana, I wouldn't mind turning point, redfield, winter gold, buckman, and roadkill. You looking for any scions? Think winter gold is zone 3 ok? Terry was doubtful, but not sure either when I asked him in 2021. I know turning point is zone 3, not sure other bluehill's are. Hoping to get 3-5 each of zone 3 trees for camp. Coworker really likes bluehill's offerings, but he's young n broke. Already gave him a tree or two and he planted them right away. He'd be glad to get roadkill.

Put some pictures up of those apples. Any idea what they are, what rootstock they're on, where they wee bought. Not common, but not rare for a 10 year old tree to not be putting out much fruit.

It happens more with full sized fruit trees, which most of us on here look to get. Enterprise, northern spy, wolf river, and some heirloom cider trees are known to be slow bearers. Sometimes people plant a bunch of the same tree, some varieties are triploid like winesap, which it need pollen from 2 different fruit trees. And these trees need to bloom around the same time.

liberty, galarina, big dog, kerr, granny smith, and arkansas black are decent varieties. They drop later in the fall too. Some people plant trees that bloom too early. I'd look for a bloom gorup 3 or 4 tree, most of what I have is. Adding a few scions to the branches might provide some needed pollen to help things out. Crabapple varieties are often added around regular fruit trees to help bloom. These trees get full sun? Last few years have been pretty dry in some states, some trees ditch most of their apples in response to drought.

Put some pictures up of those apples. Any idea what they are, what rootstock they're on, where they wee bought. Not common, but not rare for a 10 year old tree to not be putting out much fruit.

It happens more with full sized fruit trees, which most of us on here look to get. Enterprise, northern spy, wolf river, and some heirloom cider trees are known to be slow bearers. Sometimes people plant a bunch of the same tree, some varieties are triploid like winesap, which it need pollen from 2 different fruit trees. And these trees need to bloom around the same time.

liberty, galarina, big dog, kerr, granny smith, and arkansas black are decent varieties. They drop later in the fall too. Some people plant trees that bloom too early. I'd look for a bloom gorup 3 or 4 tree, most of what I have is. Adding a few scions to the branches might provide some needed pollen to help things out. Crabapple varieties are often added around regular fruit trees to help bloom. These trees get full sun? Last few years have been pretty dry in some states, some trees ditch most of their apples in response to drought.

Sorry I don’t have any pictures of them. I won’t be back to the property until February. From my understanding these were boxstore (Home Depot) apple trees my dad planted at least 10 years ago. I started working on them last winter removing multiple diseased and broken limbs. They all leafed out but only 2 of the 5 put on any fruit. No more than 10 apples, no bigger than 2.5 inches when they dropped very early ,pretty bad scab. Trees are 10-15ft tall and get sun probably 80% of the day. The trees are Granny Smith, red delicious, gala, and I’m not sure the other ones. I think he just bought whatever was at the store. The apples at this point are for wildlife so I am looking to graft something that puts on some good fall time fruit, I’m not too worried about taste. Thanks
Ive been lucky at my previous homes having mature apples trees there already. You chop a good bit off a apple tree, it takes a year off. The year after they come in well. Granny smith is good for late dropping. In NY zone 6 it grows well, however, the farmstands are usually closed or slosing for the year when granny smith is ready. USDA zone 5-8. IF you're on the cold side, it may not get fully ripe. Which doesnt mean alot to the deer. Its a new zealand tree, so it doesn;t need a lot of chill hours to get the blooming activity to wake up. Home depot sells what sells, they're not selling palm trees in alaska, but they will sell trees in an area they shouldn't be grown.

Gala and red delicous are september apples. You may have some around early october for the deer.

Scab is mainly a cosmetic issue unless severe, then you will be effecting the amount and size of apples you produce. But, it would be way more than 10.

Scab free what I have is liberty, freedom, enterprise, and galarina. galarina is a good bit different than gala. All these varieties are well described at bluehill nursery website. Cummins nursery describes varieties really well too, and has almost all common ones on there. I got some franklin cider, whitetail crab's 30-06, and maybe a bit of dolgo. Planted that tree last year. I have whitetail crabs crossbow. That looses its fruit sooner than other crabapples, but you'll have plenty during bow season and early rifle season. That tree is very disease free and bugs seem to stay away from it. I can give you droptine, but it is suspectible to cedar apple rust, but seems to handle it somewhat well too. Not making pretty trees. IF you got a ton of cedar, you may not want it.

Look on here about topworking a tree. You don't have to do it as severely as some do, can only be a branch or two. Upper branches are better than lower ones. You have to catch the tree when it's starting to wake up, too soon and the scions dry out. You also do not have to put the same scions on a tree. Usually you graft 3 or 4 little pieces to a golf ball to soda can sized branch.

I'd graft a bit of granny smith in the other trees.

You know which tree is what from the known varieties? Also, there is nothing wrong with early dropping trees. MAkes the deer keep coming around.

Datana has a good number of bluehill's crabapples.
I can offer a few scions from the following:
Black Limbertwig
Red Royal Limbertwig
Keener Seedling
Elaine Pear
Kieffer Pear
(All the above have not fruited yet, but came from Century Farms)

I would like to trade for the following, but if no trade takers, I can purchase.
Big Dog Crab
Buckman Crab
Roadkill Crab

I'm in Southside VA, and will prune/gather scion in late January/Early February.
Hey there HT. I'm new to the scions exchange and I don't know if mine are of any value to others. Currently I have 3 very large and old established Kieffer pear trees that produce 100s and 100s of store sized pear that drop Sept and Oct.
I also have 2 very large and old Callery that fruit marble size.
I'm in Zone 7B.
I'd like to get some persimmons to try the sex change operation that was wonderfully documented by yoderjac.
I would just need someone to tell me when I should take them and what's the best limbs and sizes.
Looking for Olympic/Korean Giant pear if anyone has any to spare.
Longsht here, but Looking for the forbidden scion.... Cosmic Crisp.
I should have some Nova Easygro someone was looking for some I believe but I don’t recall who it was.
Looking for Anna apple, and any other very early droppers that ripen in June/July.
Looking for Anna apple, and any other very early droppers that ripen in June/July.
Williams Pride is very early also