Sudden deafness

ksgobbler - I hope you continue to get more hearing back. I have some hearing loss too, and it's a bummer. I'll need hearing aids at some point. Keep your chin up and we hope you keep improving.
Still having issues with that ear. Getting an MRI this morning to look for lesions, tumors etc in the middle ear.
Good luck. Hope it goes well for you.

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Good luck. Hopefully you get some answers.
Sorry to hear of continued issues... Good luck with the tests and God bless you brother.
Keep pursuing the medical investigation route. Little things left unchecked can lead to real issues. Be well!
Hope it goes well.
Thanks. Waiting for them to call with the results. The lady that did my MRI had the exact same syndrome. She never regained hearing so in that way I am lucky.
Keep looking then. MRI was good but something is darn well going on.