New Garage

I love this thread and watching the buildings going up! Congrats guys!
Final walkthrough tomorrow and cut them the final check. Concrete been drying for 2 weeks so figure I can start moving stuff in this weekend.FB_IMG_1544752255098.jpg
Gravel delivered yesterday and a buddy worked his magic with his JD. He used to do it for a living and it was like watching a surgeon work. He did the shop approach then or driveway. Then he said the dirt was perfect for working and started getting in filled around the base of the shop. 20181215_150206.jpg20181215_150204.jpg20181215_141252.jpg
Did more in the shop when it became too mucky to safely cut trees.
Looks good what type of insulation did you put up?
That is just the radiant heat barrier. It does make the building tighter. Not sure if I will do much more than that.
Only took from December 13th till today to get electricity to it.
Only took from December 13th till today to get electricity to it.

I have plumbing done in mine, and the electricity is next. Hoping to have it done in the next couple weeks. I have been fighting permits a little, but we should be ready to roll now that winter is approaching, and fall hunting can now be pushed on the back burner again!

I am still hoping to have mine all insulated and sheet rocked by winter.
I still need to get a boiler for the radiant floor heat, and a well and septic done. Boiler maybe still this year, but the well and septic will be next year for sure.
Well I haven’t updated this thread in a long time, mostly because of being busy, and not doing much on it over winter. I have 1 more year to have it complete before I move there, but I want it finished by the end of this summer. I have to admit, I learned a lot building it myself and my son, in the middle of the woods, a couple hundred miles from home. Several things would have been done different, maybe even hired out a few of the projects. But for the most of it, it was quality time with my son. Something I hope he looks back at when he is older and I am gone, and thinks highly of the many weekends we spent there. There are a few “mistakes” if you look close enough, but those mistakes are just marks of our learning curve.

The outside hasn’t changed much. I still need to put the facia trim on the peaks, and there is no deck up yet.

The down stairs is completed, but I don’t have any finished pictures yet, but it is all drywalled, and painted white.

The well was drilled last week, $8000 for the well? About 70 feet down he ran into a big rock, moved to a different location, and hit it again, so I have a 70 foot well, that only produces 5 gallons per minute. But we upgraded to a larger tank, and with only 2 of us there, it shouldn’t be an issue, I hope. It is a 5 inch well with a pcv pipe so rust shouldn’t be an issue. The septic guy seems to have more excuses then will to dig. So not sure when that will be done, I hope prior to July 4th. A shower, and crapping indoors is not over rated!

The upstairs has been my focus so far this spring, so the next few weekends we will be trying to get the flooring installed and finish the trim.

Looks really good man.

I wish I had "just 5 gpm" on my well. I have 2 wells tied into a cistern and hopefully that keeps up.

Our first well was 128' deep at 2-3 gpm that petered out after a year.

Glad it's coming along tho. You won't forget building it with your kids.
Thanks! Being I am not in the building, or construction business, and being a semi retired auto mechanic/desk jockey now, each new project is a learning curve. Having to learn each trade, from contractor, to ground prep, cement prep, ICF block installer, framer, carpenter, flooring installer, etc.. It is fun, and frustrating at times, but it is all valuable lessons for my 22 year son, that will carry those experiences throughout his entire life, that he may or may not ever use again, but it is something that he has experience with. He is a framer, so at least he is in the same line of work, which has helped a lot. I have a 6yo grandson that has done some minor help, and I plan on him getting a little more involved this summer, so he can always say he helped build it. Memories are more valuable then the money I saved from not hiring the work out. I can except those minor mistakes that are now like our little unique signatures of the job.
Looks great 4wanderingeye! Glad you had some quality time with your son. Small mistakes are part of it. Nobody but you will ever notice them. That's going to be a great place!
Looks like I haven’t done any updates in awhile. Plumbing, heating, well and septic are done. I still need to build a deck, but that will be spring, since treated lumber has been at a premium this year. I haven’t really took a bunch of new pictures, but I will update with some of the latest pictures I have.


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I still have a few details to finish up, but it is livable atleast. Maybe not legally though, so shhh!


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Looks sharp 4wanderingeyes. Love all that knotty pine.