Question for John - Tapatalk

I haven't used tat in a long time. Sure as shit wouldn't pay for it.
I quit using it the day they wanted me to pay to be able to post pics. Said I had posted all the free pics they would allow and to pay to upgrade. I walked.
I use it. Using it now. It’s free for the version I’m using and I don’t see any problems with it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm not sure how I started paying for TAT. But it's been costing me .99 cents / month on Apple's store. I hate those tricky fees that somehow creep into our life. This is one of those deals I somehow subscribed to. Maybe to download a picture once? Every now and then these sneaky bastards squeeze some money out of me for a dang subscription.
I quit using it the day they wanted me to pay to be able to post pics. Said I had posted all the free pics they would allow and to pay to upgrade. I walked.
And what they don’t tell you they host the pictures so they’re not on HT directly. In the past they have purged their servers of old pics.

I can’t fix it when they do that.
And what they don’t tell you they host the pictures so they’re not on HT directly. In the past they have purged their servers of old pics.

I can’t fix it when they do that.
I think it was about that time you guys made a change that ended up letting me post pics from my phone. It's soooo easy now and waaaay better! I now have absolutely no need for tapatalk.