Cuddelink 2020 GEN 2 version

The Gen2 Firmware has been great! I love the ability now to modify settings remotely, especially when my cameras are 1700 miles away. With that said, I've been thinking about setting one of my less active cameras to use both motion and time-lapse. The thought is to have it take a picture every 24 hrs so I confidently will know there is no communication breakdowns with the base (I get the reports, but having a picture would boost my confidence a bit more). This seems to be relatively easy to set-up, but what I can't figure out is how to program it to take the picture at a certain time each day. My options are simply setting the interval. Is there a default time this would occur? Am I missing where to set the start time? Any insight would be appreciated.
if you want motion and time-lapse working at the same time you are not able to set the time. the time will be whatever time you initiate the command , so if you set it at 8 am for a 24 hour lapse that is when it will take the image each day. If you do this remotely its going to do it at the time that the command is sent via the network which you have no control over.
everyone I'm really struggling with the cuddelink system.

I put out a repeater to help with my back two J camera's and repeater had a 66 signal and the back camera had 58 and 60 off the repeater. Worked well took pictures of us walking out and sent via cell. Today get cell report and both are 8 and 12 link signal... Why would it drop that much and how do you stop this from happening? No way it should drop that much.

Also, put out a new J camera with a strong signal of mid 60's in a field that always has deer in the morning and afternoon.. This replaces a spypoint cell that's why i know deer is always there. I placed it up in a tree about 10ft on edge of the field and have the setting on field. NOTHING, not a single deer pic in the the day or night. Is it too high in the air to pick up the deer in the field/ My spypoint was just 3 feet off the ground but was too far to get good shots of the bucks that why i move the camera closer.

Feedback appreciated I'm getting tired of going back to my property to work on a network of trail cameras.

everyone I'm really struggling with the cuddelink system.

I put out a repeater to help with my back two J camera's and repeater had a 66 signal and the back camera had 58 and 60 off the repeater. Worked well took pictures of us walking out and sent via cell. Today get cell report and both are 8 and 12 link signal... Why would it drop that much and how do you stop this from happening? No way it should drop that much.

Also, put out a new J camera with a strong signal of mid 60's in a field that always has deer in the morning and afternoon.. This replaces a spypoint cell that's why i know deer is always there. I placed it up in a tree about 10ft on edge of the field and have the setting on field. NOTHING, not a single deer pic in the the day or night. Is it too high in the air to pick up the deer in the field/ My spypoint was just 3 feet off the ground but was too far to get good shots of the bucks that why i move the camera closer.

Feedback appreciated I'm getting tired of going back to my property to work on a network of trail cameras.

if you put a camera 10 ft up in a tree you arent going to get any images unless you point it at the ground and even then the deer would need to be standing in a very small specific area for it to trigger.
Hang your camera no more than waist high, i prefer thigh high.
Post a picture of you latest report and we can look at how your system is set up. Its likely the cameras arent using the repeater and are connecting directly to the home unit which is fine. The system is self healing and will always connect directly to home if it can, you may see it jump back and forth from the repeater and only use it when needed. Also high heat and humidity hamper RF signal so dont be alarmed when the link level drops or fluctuates. This is completely normal.
if you put a camera 10 ft up in a tree you arent going to get any images unless you point it at the ground and even then the deer would need to be standing in a very small specific area for it to trigger.
Hang your camera no more than waist high, i prefer thigh high.
Post a picture of you latest report and we can look at how your system is set up. Its likely the cameras arent using the repeater and are connecting directly to the home unit which is fine. The system is self healing and will always connect directly to home if it can, you may see it jump back and forth from the repeater and only use it when needed. Also high heat and humidity hamper RF signal so dont be alarmed when the link level drops or fluctuates. This is completely normal.

John, thanks for the information.

Below is my report. number 6 is the repeater

i have three up the tree so i will have to move them to waist level.

On the repeater do I turn the remote cameras off and turn back on and see if it connects to the repeater which is much closer than the home unit.

Does it matter if the cameras are attached to large trees from blocking the signal standpoint. that's why i put them in the air was to put the antenna out away from the tree.
John, thanks for the information.

Below is my report. number 6 is the repeater
View attachment 30804

i have three up the tree so i will have to move them to waist level.

On the repeater do I turn the remote cameras off and turn back on and see if it connects to the repeater which is much closer than the home unit.

Does it matter if the cameras are attached to large trees from blocking the signal standpoint. that's why i put them in the air was to put the antenna out away from the tree.
is this the online report or the one emailed to you? you dont have any images backed up in any cameras que so everything is working correctly. You can turn your repeater off and then run a CL level on your remotes to see if the repeater is being used or needs to be used. Yes a large tree can block signal somewhat in some instances.. i use the pole mount and i get stronger signals in many cases.
is this the online report or the one emailed to you? you dont have any images backed up in any cameras que so everything is working correctly. You can turn your repeater off and then run a CL level on your remotes to see if the repeater is being used or needs to be used. Yes a large tree can block signal somewhat in some instances.. i use the pole mount and i get stronger signals in many cases.

that was the online report.

Just to give an update..
1.I moved all camera's down from the trees and moved to waist high. Just worried on I didn't have a bear lock but haven't seen him in a few weeks!
2. moved the repeater out farther on the ridge closer to back cameras.. had link in the low 60s
3. back two cameras i believe are using the repeater and both had signals 50 to 60s.

Tested everything and they all sent multiple pictures from the field(cut my food plots today) so now just wait and see once the woods settle back down.

BTW, I'm in southwest virgina so the terrain are ridges, valleys and very steep!
John is there a way for me to see if My cell home is connecting with the network. I have it setup to send images every hour. It sent me the report this morning but that’s been it. For the day which is unlikely and when I try to send a settings change from around 11:00ish it still says pending. This happened to me about a week ago. I went to the home unit and did a test. That worked, and then the the queue of images came through after.
Weird now after the report came this morning. It seems to working again.
Weird now after the report came this morning. It seems to working again.
I had a K shut down for three days during a rainy period and then came back.
I was thinking it was cell reception but i don’t know... it’s weird that was report to report and it wouldn’t take any settings changes until after the second report.
Night pictures - help
can anyone tell me how to stop the bright wash out of my pics at night. These two cameras are on food plots and as you see they are washing out the detail. Can you adjust remotely?? I read about strobe settings but didn't understand.


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Night pictures - help
can anyone tell me how to stop the bright wash out of my pics at night. These two cameras are on food plots and as you see they are washing out the detail. Can you adjust remotely?? I read about strobe settings but didn't understand.
The metadata has been stripped from the pics you posted so I can't "see" what your settings currently are, but those pictures sure look to me like you have your IR Mode set to 'Field'. I would remotely access the cam and set the IR Mode to either 'Far' or 'Close'... either should work fine with your ultimate choice between them being an issue of personal preference. The 'Field' mode is a specialty mode and I find it very difficult to use with satisfactory results.
The metadata has been stripped from the pics you posted so I can't "see" what your settings currently are, but those pictures sure look to me like you have your IR Mode set to 'Field'. I would remotely access the cam and set the IR Mode to either 'Far' or 'Close'... either should work fine with your ultimate choice between them being an issue of personal preference. The 'Field' mode is a specialty mode and I find it very difficult to use with satisfactory results.


BTW, that is what i have the setting on i.e. Field. I will change to Far since they are on food plots.
Can anyone shed some light on error codes fail:202 and fail:209 when executing a cell test? I encountered both today on a G cell unit that has been flawless the past 2 years. Thanks.

edit: add fail:219 and fail:235 to that list now. It executed 1 successful cell test then gave me the previous 2 error codes when I tried again. I'm leaving it in the mountain for now. I'll swap it out with another G series cell home next week. Any advice would still be appreciated
I swapped out antennas on the unit. I had the old style cell antennas on this unit and replaced them with new high gain antennas. Everything is working as it should.

BTW, that is what i have the setting on i.e. Field. I will change to Far since they are on food plots.
I would change it to close
Updated the DualCell and it's working fine, just wondering if there's a way to change the image size being sent w/out going back out to the camera. I think I read previously that you cannot..but maybe that's changed. It better be an option :emoji_rage:
you can change image size remotely when running a dual cell as as a stand alone but not when running it in a cuddelink network.

It's the only camera I have out there. I must be missing it as I don't see the option to change the image size on the webpage. Looked via Firefox as well as Chrome..and I did that because I noticed on Firefox it's not allowing me to see the pictures under "view photos"(says 0 of 5 shown). They show up just fine on Chrome as well as on my phone- Firefox for Android.
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I checked and They haven’t added it yet , I’m told it’s close but not ready . but it’s coming . I don’t run any standalone cells so I haven’t been looking for it
I've got a cell cam that I took down and deactivated after last hunting season. I went online to reactivate it today and noticed there are photo plans in addition to cell plans. What are photo plans? Thanks in advance for any help.