Cuddeback's Cuddelink

What is the best setting for battery consumption. I'm 6 hours from my farm, and am worried about that, more than anything.
Batch 30, if you don’t have a d cell battery booster on your cell I would add one when you can , they retail for $25 or less
Batch 30, if you don’t have a d cell battery booster on your cell I would add one when you can , they retail for $25 or less

I just ordered one. Thx.
I'm half temped to buy an extra D battery booster just for the plug. I think I could hack a 6V transformer and be able to plug my cell home into 110. It's sitting on top of my cabin where I have electricity.
I'm half temped to buy an extra D battery booster just for the plug. I think I could hack a 6V transformer and be able to plug my cell home into 110. It's sitting on top of my cabin where I have electricity.
If that was to work I think you'd need a 9 volt transformer. The D cell booster pack runs at 9 volts so that the camera can determine which power source to use. If the external plug has more than 7.? volts, use external plug. If the external plug has less than 7.? volts, then switch to the 6 volt internal batteries. At least that's what would make sense to me but I sure as heck don't know for sure.
Everybody be careful with the D cell battery booster for the j cameras. I installed three and 1 of the group worked for a week. My camera was sending to home cell and all of a sudden i lost connection with this camera. I check this weekend and immediately noticed the smell of something fried. I opened the battery door and noticed the negative side had rust arnd the battery. I changed the batteries out and the cam will not come on. Wether this is a faulty battery booster that allowed water in or something else, seems my camera is fried. Has anyone else had this issue?

Sent from my SM-G925R7 using Tapatalk
I installed the boosters on 8 cameras and one stopped working after i installed them. Didn't show signs of leaking but you have to be carefull because there is a gasket between the two halves around the gold tabs would be nice to have better instructions gasket falls off very easy
The top of the battery booster had melted and split open. This is a malfunction with the battery booster. It sent photos for a week. I will see if i can get customer service, i'm having trouble sending an email.
I installed the boosters on 8 cameras and one stopped working after i installed them. Didn't show signs of leaking but you have to be carefull because there is a gasket between the two halves around the gold tabs would be nice to have better instructions gasket falls off very easy

Sent from my SM-G925R7 using Tapatalk
Did u install the aa battery pack and see if camera is actually fried?

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That is what I wanted too do, I have been trying to pry it off for an hour, it seems as if it stuck on one side. If I pry anymore I'm afriad cuddeback will find some way to void my warranty.

Sent from my Android Tablet FT7 using Tapatalk
I'm half temped to buy an extra D battery booster just for the plug. I think I could hack a 6V transformer and be able to plug my cell home into 110. It's sitting on top of my cabin where I have electricity.
Check the Cuddeback site SHOP page,

Battery Booster Cable Model 9038
3 foot replacement cable for CuddePower
Battery plug compatible with Cuddeback models C,E and G
I just got my Cell home working at the farm this weekend. I set it to batch mode, 30. I have gotten emails last couple mornings, but only have 9 pics sent. Is that normal? I assumed I would get 30. The first day I got 23 pics.
I just got my Cell home working at the farm this weekend. I set it to batch mode, 30. I have gotten emails last couple mornings, but only have 9 pics sent. Is that normal? I assumed I would get 30. The first day I got 23 pics.

I remember reading it sends them once a day regardless, if you have less than your set amount.
I think I am just getting less than the 30 batch per day, so I am receiving less. Another question I have. I look at the daily report, the "SD Images" on the home camera doesn't change equally with the sum of the "SD Images" of the remote cameras. I assumed the home images would increase the same as what the remotes increased, mine is usually off a few.
My guess is that some pictures don't get transmitted. Maybe they fail or something and it moves on. I had to change my batteries in one camera last week. When I did, it was the first time I had pulled the SD card. There was an 8 pointer I know I had not seen via emailed pictures.
Recommended settings for a non cell home base? Still camera delay 5 image 1 image cl delay 5. Setting up my dads this weekend. Still no cell cams ordered in July hoping they make it soon.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Got my cell home installed and it is sending pics. I set it to batch 30 and it’s doing it’s once a day routine because I am getting less than 30 a day with the rain we are having.

One thing I noticed is that it is sending yesterday’s pics as well. Does it send the last 30 by default even though it already sent them before?

Assuming the answer to that is yes, it would make sense for a revision 2.0 to flag pics as sent or not sent and only send those without the flag each day if less pics were taken that day than the batch size set.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Got my cell home installed and it is sending pics. I set it to batch 30 and it’s doing it’s once a day routine because I am getting less than 30 a day with the rain we are having.

One thing I noticed is that it is sending yesterday’s pics as well. Does it send the last 30 by default even though it already sent them before?

Assuming the answer to that is yes, it would make sense for a revision 2.0 to flag pics as sent or not sent and only send those without the flag each day if less pics were taken that day than the batch size set.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Got my cell home installed and it is sending pics. I set it to batch 30 and it’s doing it’s once a day routine because I am getting less than 30 a day with the rain we are having.

One thing I noticed is that it is sending yesterday’s pics as well. Does it send the last 30 by default even though it already sent them before?

Assuming the answer to that is yes, it would make sense for a revision 2.0 to flag pics as sent or not sent and only send those without the flag each day if less pics were taken that day than the batch size set.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Mine is set on batch 30, also. I've only had it up about 6 days, so I am still learning. Mine has sent many emails with just 6-8 pics. Last night it was cool and the deer were moving and I got 2 emails, one with 30 and one with 7. I haven't noticed getting the same pics twice.
the cell home will send at least one email with pics once a day even if it doesnt hit 30 images or whatever number you set the batch at. It also should send a report each day. its completely normal to get an email with 7 and then an email with 30. The report and once day email should come during the night unless the time is set incorrectly on your cell home.