Cuddeback's Cuddelink

Part of point I was trying to get at without saying it directly is this:

If the only problem you are having is with the report not specifically showing if the battery status is internal or external then you really don't have a problem at all! Much more detailed, accurate and useful information on battery conditions and the power source is at your fingertips with the metadata from the transmitted images. It really isn't necessity to walk all around updating firmware if you don't want to. And who knows, maybe the problem won't be solved by v.7.0 firmware. For all we know it could be the very thing that caused the problem in the first place. When all your cams were v.6.0 everything worked fine, but when you installed a new home unit with v.7.0 software the bottom fell out. Maybe it's the culprit.

Thanks again Fred...Last question for now at least....What does "handicapped battery images on these batteries was 1860... 1 per day pic and 5 per night pic handicapping" mean?

Can someone tell me why the one camera is saying 2 links? I see I need to update firmware. I added 3 more G series cameras but for some reason they didn’t connect. Hopefully just bad settings.

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2 links means that camera is jumping or chaining thru another camera to get home, not a problem that is what the system is designed to do.
Guys sorry for not checking the forum lately, I’m working a consumer event every weekend this time of year and then traveling during the week so I don’t get much time on the forum. Looks like Fred has been helping everyone out! Thanks Fred !
Genius Mount doesn't include a lock clip even though it is in the instructions.......? So, you can't actually lock your camera with the genius mount? No python cable loops either on the camera so there isn't anyway to lock your camera to the tree?

Well, I guess I will take a ladder or stand on the back of the mule and point them down. Hoping anyone looking to steal them doesn't shimmy up the tree or bring a ladder themselves.
There was suppose to be clips in withthe mount but the manufacturer missed them, just give cudde a call and they will take care of you.
Hello all thi keep no of getting a couple of these the home plus unit and the long range ir was disappointed though when I stopped by the business and was told the usb sync won’t be available until the next code upgrade

What I like about these system is it’s a typical mesh system almost like what ubiquiti does with there system one suggestion I would make is to modify your Trail Camera software some hope to be getting mine soon as soon as I can save some money up
Hello all thi keep no of getting a couple of these the home plus unit and the long range ir was disappointed though when I stopped by the business and was told the usb sync won’t be available until the next code upgrade

What I like about these system is it’s a typical mesh system almost like what ubiquiti does with there system one suggestion I would make is to modify your Trail Camera software some hope to be getting mine soon as soon as I can save some money up

The problem with mesh systems is that most are not power aware. This is probably not a big issue for the cudde system because they are only transmitting thumbnails not full resolution images which consumes much more power. When I say "power aware", I'm talking about not only adapting to signal levels as mesh systems do, but under standing the impact the signal routing has on the power availability of each camera in the mesh. Some cameras in a mesh may have low picture loads and high power availability (large solar panel with good sun access) while other cameras in the network may have a much higher picture load based on location with low power availability (heavy canopy or no solar panel). In a network where a human defines the topology, they can takes these into consideration enduring the routing goes through nodes that have the ability to sustain it without overloading the power system requiring more frequent battery changes. One could design a mesh system that accounts for this but it would be quite complex.

Again, I doubt this becomes a problem for the low data volume cudde system but is clearly an issue for mesh network game camera systems in general.


Yoderjac we currently use a spypoint link evo it’s not a bad camera could be a little better on images but not bad for a cell signal camera

We used to use little acorn with att service but when they upgraded to 4 g our camera wouldn’t work got some good pics with it

I see the mesh network as the future of WiFi technology for Trail camera one good product I use currently is ubiquiti it has a WiFi range if 13 kilometers line of site but its poe and you would need solar to make it work off grid
Yoderjac we currently use a spypoint link evo it’s not a bad camera could be a little better on images but not bad for a cell signal camera

We used to use little acorn with att service but when they upgraded to 4 g our camera wouldn’t work got some good pics with it

I see the mesh network as the future of WiFi technology for Trail camera one good product I use currently is ubiquiti it has a WiFi range if 13 kilometers line of site but its poe and you would need solar to make it work off grid
I'm familiar with the ubiqulti network. The difference is that the power management systems of trail cameras is quite different.
Youder yes they are very different

What's the process for changing out the batteries in the external power supply? I have a camera in my network that is getting ready to switch from the external battery source to the internal batteries and when it does...I'd like to put new batteries in the battery booster pack. Do I need to turn the camera off or can I just unplug the external cord, replace the batteries and plug the cord back in. I'm afraid if I turn it off it will have trouble reconnecting, but maybe its not hat bog of deal.

What's the process for changing out the batteries in the external power supply? I have a camera in my network that is getting ready to switch from the external battery source to the internal batteries and when it does...I'd like to put new batteries in the battery booster pack. Do I need to turn the camera off or can I just unplug the external cord, replace the batteries and plug the cord back in. I'm afraid if I turn it off it will have trouble reconnecting, but maybe its not hat bog of deal.
you can just unplug and put new batteries in it and then plug it back in, it may take a bit to recognize you have the external hoooked up but it will eventually.
you can just unplug and put new batteries in it and then plug it back in, it may take a bit to recognize you have the external hoooked up but it will eventually.

So no issues with "hot" plugging that in with the camera running?
So no issues with "hot" plugging that in with the camera running?
if you touch the more button on the camera it wills suspend everything for a moment
Sure it has been covered. Sorry

But something changed in my woods and made signal bad from one of the middle cameras thus not sending back to home. If I were to just buy another camera and add inline, will this just allow an easy connection or will I have to regain signal on the other cameras at end of daisy chain? Hate moving the cameras from the trees they on as are best spot but do have another spot in between the last signal and bad signal camera was hoping could just hang and be good with signal? Hope not confusing. Haha

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Sure it has been covered. Sorry

But something changed in my woods and made signal bad from one of the middle cameras thus not sending back to home. If I were to just buy another camera and add inline, will this just allow an easy connection or will I have to regain signal on the other cameras at end of daisy chain? Hate moving the cameras from the trees they on as are best spot but do have another spot in between the last signal and bad signal camera was hoping could just hang and be good with signal? Hope not confusing. Haha

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Yes you can add another camera or a repeater in-line and it may help the connection, high heat and humidity coupled with leaf cover can change signal strength by the day or even hour so it’s quote possible they will connect on their own when any of the above improves . You shouldn’t have to change anything if you add another camera as long as all are on the same channel and have a unique number assigned.
John -- Any idea when the next batch of cell homes will be available/sent out? Ordered in July from the Cuddeback website with full understanding they were on backorder, I was just curious on timing. Thanks!
Why is the system limited by the number of cameras.
John -- Any idea when the next batch of cell homes will be available/sent out? Ordered in July from the Cuddeback website with full understanding they were on backorder, I was just curious on timing. Thanks!
We will receive some this week that will go to backorders , sometime in sept we may catch up and be able to ship at once for new orders but that is dependent on how fast orders keep coming in, as of right now we are getting quite a few new orders each day.
Why is the system limited by the number of cameras.
16 per system is the max that it will work efficiently, you can set up multiple ltipel networks on thesame property by utilizing different channels for each system.
I just received my 2 Cuddeback 5079, 3 CuddePower 3358 and am waiting on the Cell home 1491 from Cuddeback. What D batteries are you running on your Cuddelink setup? I saw previously where you preferred Alkaline D batteries over the AA rechargeable solar kit (not available for g series yet) that has been running for 2 years. I just made the switch to Cuddeback and want to make sure I get the best performance from them before expanding my system. Any comments on what everyone else is using with the G series cameras that use D batteries is greatly appreciated!