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According to the CDC. 1507 people that have been fully vaccinated and all around rule followers have died of COVID. You’re argument holds no water, merit or reasoning.
I am not making any argument or presented any reasoning. But you sure are ready to critique me.

I could post a photo of tree and you would tell me I am totally wrong! LOL
"Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States, including more than 41,000 deaths resulting from secondhand smoke exposure. This is about one in five deaths annually, or 1,300 deaths every day.Mar 23, 2020"

We've lived with this for decades. No big deal. Lots of people die every day. Nobody gets out alive
According to the CDC. 4115 people fully vaccinated and rule followers have been hospitalized With COVID.
I am not making any argument or presented any reasoning. But you sure are ready to critique me.

I could post a photo of tree and you would tell me I am totally wrong! LOL
You’re not trying to make some point? With an example of one or two people. It doesn’t hold up with facts.
Dick Farrel appeared to be an old, fat guy. Most old people have gotten the corona shot. He probably should've too.
We're long past the vaccine debate. We've gotta get on the same page before the police state stuff that is sweeping Australia, New Zealand, France, Canada, and Germany gets here. I pray we can keep it confined to the worst areas of the country. I ain't so sure we're not going to find out quickly how many of our red states are actually run by anti-freedom rinos.

Pay special attention to Australia, because they have stripped away all permissions from the vaxxed too.

And like Rush he probably smoked 2 packs a day along with other un healthy lifestyle choices.

Oh, and died with or from?

Even if he got the jab he still more than likely would have gotten infected and had the same fate.
We're long past the vaccine debate. We've gotta get on the same page before the police state stuff that is sweeping Australia, New Zealand, France, Canada, and Germany gets here. I pray we can keep it confined to the worst areas of the country. I ain't so sure we're not going to find out quickly how many of our red states are actually run by anti-freedom rinos.

Pay special attention to Australia, because they have stripped away all permissions from the vaxxed too.

239 tested positive out of 110,000 people tested and they are going door to door to find unvaccinated sinners? THAT defines tyranny in my eyes :emoji_frowning2:
I was just watching a video of a police chief in Australia talking about this. They’re literally using GPS location and smartphone contact tracing to track anyone that has left their home down… even when they intentionally don’t come into contact with anyone.

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Down under yes, here I can see peaceful protests. :emoji_dark_sunglasses:
Dick Farrel appeared to be an old, fat guy. Most old people have gotten the corona shot. He probably should've too.

Or he got Epsteined just like all the rest of the people that go against the deep state... we are talking about the people that brought you the JFK assassination, the fake moon landing, WMD in Iraq, and the "insurrection" on Jan 6th. Killing people is huge business for our elites. Whoever this guy was makes GREAT headlines for all the serfs they are trying to scare. These guys finally figured out they dont have to travel half way around the world to fight jihadist to fleece the US treasury. They can just do it right in their own backyard.
The sad part is that there are plenty of people who know we're being pushed/forced/bullied by government while violating multiple basic human rights and we still can't seem to do anything about it. Doesn't make sense. What's it going to take?
Or he got Epsteined just like all the rest of the people that go against the deep state... we are talking about the people that brought you the JFK assassination, the fake moon landing, WMD in Iraq, and the "insurrection" on Jan 6th. Killing people is huge business for our elites. Whoever this guy was makes GREAT headlines for all the serfs they are trying to scare. These guys finally figured out they dont have to travel half way around the world to fight jihadist to fleece the US treasury. They can just do it right in their own backyard.
Can't believe Snowden didn't just vanish or "commit suicide" by stabbing himself in the back half a dozen times, then shooting himself twice in the head.
^^^ Several of the cops from the "insurrection" committed "suicide." I wanna say there are now 5 dead cops from that ordeal. What a fricken miracle. If there was anywhere on the planet cops should have been dying and offing themselves from a crazy day it was right here in Minneapolis. What happened in DC was NOTHING compared to what was going on in Minneapolis. Hell, its STILL going on in Minneapolis. Its a real hell hole down there. Until a few days ago Afghanistan was much safer for an American then Minneapolis.
^^^ Several of the cops from the "insurrection" committed "suicide." I wanna say there are now 5 dead cops from that ordeal. What a fricken miracle. If there was anywhere on the planet cops should have been dying and offing themselves from a crazy day it was right here in Minneapolis. What happened in DC was NOTHING compared to what was going on in Minneapolis. Hell, its STILL going on in Minneapolis. Its a real hell hole down there. Until a few days ago Afghanistan was much safer for an American then Minneapolis.
Haven't heard anything from governor dipshit in awhile---where is he?
After I wrote that^^ I realized I better be more specific because it applies to several places right now. I meant gov. Walz from Minnesota.
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