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  1. S

    Drill, Throw, Buckwheat to Brassicas and Grains

    Not my first time with food plots, but I finally have the time, equipment and enough finances to make them work. South Central Iowa, All old CRP Fields Did a Soil Test and having 2 tons of lime per acre added right now. I know it will not be perfect this spring, but had to get it down sometime...
  2. S

    Good Now or Later

    I am struggling with this deer. Lots of points, but his mass makes him look small to me. Any thoughts? He is a homebody and I think this weekend is a great weekend to go after him with the cold front we have coming to Iowa.
  3. S

    Iowa, Rain, Back Plot Waiting

    Ok I have talked about this plot a few times on here, it is my back plot across the creek, only accessible by 4 wheeler. It is 3 acres in the middle of a 20 year old CRP field, not what I would call well drained, but usually dry. This year who knows. It was mowed last spring, sprayed and...
  4. S

    Where to Find, Fertilizer and Lime

    Ok I have one plot that we cannot get to with a tractor it is three acres in the middle of a CRP field. The creek is washed out and getting in from the back is a pain. So where do I find fertilizer and lime I can spread with my 4 wheeler and pull behind spreader. Can I get it in bags that do...
  5. S

    Meanwhile in Iowa

    It appears the deer are adapting to the weather. That or we are being invaded by the White Walkers from Game of Thrones. They also seem to like our food plots.
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    Watch them year to year

    Here are a couple we have been watching for the last two years on one and three for the other one. The sad thing is we shot the one we call "Reach around" three years ago and the shot was high. He lived. My guess is he is at least 5.5 now meaning he was a great 2.5 or he is 6.5 now. Thoughts?
  7. S

    Good Hunt

    Sat last weekend on Saturday evening my intention was not to shoot a big one, but watch a food plot from a distances. Early on in the hunt the food plot was full of deer. Eventually two good bucks joined them, including one of the shooters on our list a big 8. They ate the rye for a long time...
  8. S

    Meanwhile in Iowa

    Yes that is floating corn touching the camera 3 foot up in the tree. Plus our back Rye plot that looks like a rice patty.
  9. S

    Big 8, Thoughts age, Homebody

    He is a homebody deer. We have pictures of him from all summer and he moved to another side of the farm just recently. So we could pass and possible seem him again, but I am not sure I am strong enough to pass.
  10. S

    Winter Rye, Looks Like they like it.

    The rye mixed into this field is three weeks old and the field is always full of deer and now bucks during daylight. This was supposed to be a turnip, radish plot, but it flooded so we overseeded rye into the remaining grass that came up after the flood. It seems to be working.
  11. S

    A decent one.

    Just got a couple of photos of this deer. Hoping he is living on the side of the farm we just put cameras up on and not just passing through. Any thoughts on age or size. Sorry only one pick that shows anything.
  12. S

    Age as Always

    We have had this 8 hanging around all summer and he shows up nightly on one camera or another. Any thoughts on age? He is a great looking deer, but I think young.
  13. S

    Oats, Planted in the Spring

    Ok so the farm I hunt rolled over some CRP this year and part of the new contract required 40 acres of food plots in one section. It went in as oats and of course the deer loved it when it was young and green, but as it grew they left it alone. Now it is brown and dead, but the seeds all...
  14. S

    Plots starting to show

    So we made it back down to the farm the yesterday to check on the plots after a lot of rain in the past few days and more to come. The fields were wet and stuff was starting to pop up. We took a few pictures to see what everyone on here thought. This field was drilled about 4 weeks ago, with...
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    Always like to guess age

    Any thoughts this is one of he decent 10s we have right now. I am thinking he is a bit young.
  16. S

    85 lbs of Rye and 25 lbs of Winter Wheat Picking up tomorrow

    Ok I have plots we have talked about before 12 acres total 2 plots of beans 3 acres each (they look good, small pods, but still growing I hope) and 5.5 acres of Purple Top Turnips, Radish, Rape Seed Dwarf Essex in and Winfred Brassica in two plots. I bought 85 lbs of Rye and 25 lbs of Winter...
  17. S

    Drilled Radishes, Brassicas on Saturday, wanting to Spray

    We had to drill our plots on Saturday, because the guy had the drill and was ready. I wanted to spray one more time before we drilled. Could I still spray on Monday / tomorrow or is it too late? No rain since we drilled Saturday, but rain coming Tuesday. Thanks
  18. S

    Mowed, Sprayed and drilled, now Clover?

    Ok we mowed our two new plots two weeks ago, sprayed on Wednesday of this week and they are getting drilled with Purple Top Turnips, Radish, Rape Seed Dwarf Essex and Winfred Brassica this weekend. Now should I throw some clover over them eventually to help with N or is that a waste? I have no...
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    First Time with Big Plots / Help Planting Now

    Ok guys so the DNR switched something around and allowed us to plant two plots in some wetland reserve grass we have this year for the first time. It is not flood ground, but parts of it stay wet all year. We just mowed the two plots on the edges where there is good drainage, great sun and I...
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    We Call him 12 Pack

    Yes we are not very creative with names. Last year I shot Coors and so far this year 12 Pack and Budweiser (because he is heavier than coors) are on the hit list. Any thoughts on this deer? Age and or Score? In our book he is a shooter, but we are trying to start aging them too.