I'm on your side with the clover. I had a 1/4 acre clover field that was more than enough for my deer in NW WI. Never saw heavy browsing on whitetail Institute or bio logic clover. As far as other crops, 3 1/2 acres is never enough. Beans, corn, sunflowers, raddish, rape it all is demolished. I just hope to have something for them around gun season. I would suggest going with winter rye. It holds up to the browsing and it will feed deer fall,winter, and a little in the spring. I like it because it's my best bet to hold up to the browsing. I plant mine early July, to try to get it ahead of the deer. They usually keep it mowed to a couple of inches.Turkeys also are in it all the time.Thats what im looking for. I get the clover ideas, but we already have 6 acres or s of alfalfa so i just dont see the draw of clover.
I was going to go with strips of sorghum and sunflowers next year for cover, the rest is what im struggling with. Trying to get the most feed in the least amount of space.