Some of this will be true, some of it will not....and I can't tell the difference. Supply and demand. Typically, (remember this is 2020 and there's nothing typical about it!!), the price of a bag of small grain seed, -- for this discussion, RYE-- cleaned and certified complete with a seed tag stating all the seed labeling requirements runs 2x - 3x the farm price of rye (in the bin).
Typically, if your food plot is in NE, SD, MN, MI you'll usually pay less than anyone.
If your food plot is in NY, IN, IL, KY, TX, MO, OK, OH and any East Coast State you typically (I have to use that word a lot) will pay more, sometimes WAY more, than the national average.
Growers, suppliers, and retailers love the states in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. In MD, PA, DE, VA you'll pay 20% - 30% more than the national average seed price. Some years when there's a short crop that number goes to 100% over the national average.
WV, NJ, TN, NC, SC all suffer the same effects of a distant supply and high local demand.
And then there's Georgia where Rye = Gold!