Woodland hidy hole plot-what to plant

Is there a commercial mix for this or should I try to piece it together. I'm having trouble finding a seed supply anywhere near me
I see your in PA, I've bought some seed from Ernst seed before, not sure if they are close or not.

Tks for all the great responses guys! I will likely try some different seed combos and just experiment:)
I have a little .25 acre clover plot I smoked with gly and I'm think of trying a fall plot with peas, oats an soy beans! I know this won't last all season but it's really to target a particular Buck and attempt to get him killed early season! I will show Yall some pics soon. I passed him last year (early season) as a respectable 3.5 yr old 125" 8. Some of you may remember the thread I made in reference to him stating "am I crazy for letting this one walk" He is looking good this year as a 4yr old 9 point with nice brows! Will post pics soon
Well my seed place didn't have any winter rye this year so looks like just WW an oats this yr as far as grains go