Wolf, Wild Dog?

Tree Spud

5 year old buck +
Had what I thought was a stray dog dog come by our front door in our yard at the farm Sunday morning around 9 am. He actually walked on our front sidewalk and was 15' from our front door. I was working on my compter and saw him approach. I went out the front door and was about 60' from him. he turned around and trotted back to the marsh.

He had come from the marsh. Was about 80-90 lbs and had no collar. I then check game cams later that afternoon and he was on one of the cams walking a trail that came from out of the marsh. Looking at the pic this looks a lot like a a possible wolf.

He has all the facial features and ears that look like a wolf.

Let me know your thoughts on ID'ing him.

Wolf 20240721.png

wolf 2 20240721.png
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Yeah, I'm sure of it. Google American Husky.
Looks to fat to be a wild animal.
Yeah, I'm sure of it. Google American Husky.

Yeah, a lot of the same features. We have had wolves on the property and they are killing machines. Last thing I need is another wolf on top of the yotes.
Looks to fat to be a wild animal.

His chest was big but very trim back through the mid section and rear hips.
A couple of years ago had a wolf come through during the winter. In a 6 week period the dog and I found 8 dead deer. Two were within a 100 yards of the house. And those were just the ones we found.

Not something you want.
Normally you dont have coyote and wolves together being a problem, coyotes are just a snack to a wolf.
Shoot and dna test. Science
It's a husky for sure. I have one.
I have a shock/correction collar on mine because I'm afraid if she ran off too far she would get shot by someone thinking she's a coyote because of her color. From a distance you wouldn't be able to tell it's a dog. Owning one is about like trying to coexist with a wild animal. Great dogs but they do what they want.
What they really need to do is to find the asshat who release 15 dogs into the wild and hang him by the gonads in grizzly country.