Wisconsin on CWD disappointing news

Did Terry post it? Why is he the only guy sounding the alarm?
Did Terry post it? Why is he the only guy sounding the alarm?

Yes Terry posted. I don't blame Biologist or are local game personnel . They have politicians tying there hands. This used to be great state for outdoorsman. Has went to hell big time. Want good Muskie fishing I go Mn or Canada now. Won't be long 20 years are white tail deer will be history too.
It's too late.
Many were celebrating on this site about this farm earlier in the year. No more baiting! Not that it would have mattered anyway.
There is such a lack of regulation it is pathetic. I had my rant about the issue earlier and it got ugly with all the pin heads defending the industry.
Ya we have about 20 years before it gets too bad, so enjoy while it lasts.
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Like any other issue. There won't be a fix until there is some unholy carnage from it.
The only thing that gets real $$ invested in CWD research is if/when the first verified human case occurs. Then watch the shit hit the fan

How worried should anybody get when nothing is wrong? Been in Colorado for 40 some years?
I go to Ontario in summer . Camp I go to is big into deer and Black bear . The Providence regulates any movement of deer family species and allow no use of any products that contain body fluids from members of deer family. But allow baiting. I would prefer hunters spreading corn then urine from these great game farms here in Wisconsin and other states.
Fall guy u probably missed it but deer fArms can move deer from farm to farm even under Cwd quarantine. They also don't have to report a deer till it's a year old. This jerk in eau Claire doesn't have any record he brought a deer in for years. Wonder how Cwd popped up.
It's a federal issue anyway. Walker has denutted the wi dnr so bad they aren't even in the picture.
Feels not so great having property within 7 miles of this facility.
It's a slow moving decease but not controlling
Movement or cleaning mess because waiting on federal funding is just total bs. I bet they would have asked for donations to shut down would have been funded next day. Surely would have been funded if had some political interest involved .

Now I know how you Mn guys feel.
It's too late.
Many were celebrating on this site about this farm earlier in the year. No more baiting! Not that it would have mattered anyway.
There is such a lack of regulation it is pathetic. I had my rant about the issue earlier and it got ugly with all the pin heads defending the industry.
Ya we have about 20 years before it gets too bad, so enjoy while it lasts.
This statement, although not popular, could very well become reality. Those chosing not to harvest deer during recent and coming years dreaming of better days may regret doing so when deer are eventually considered varmints.
To me, CWD becomes largely a non-issue when/if an affordable and accurate test is publicly available. Even if I lived/hunted at ground zero, I'd consume venison after getting the "go ahead" from a negative test. Why more research money isn't going into such a test kind of confuses me. I'd think it would be profitable for whoever came up with such a test.
Agreed. I get a free test in IL for my deer. I wait for the results before consuming. I will not consume the meat if I get a positive hit. I would pay for a test for there and in WI if it was reasonable.
Have you had a positive hit Bueller?
Have you had a positive hit Bueller?
Thankfully nobody in our group has. But we are lucky to get a deer or two per year between all of us, contrary to what bat man thinks we aren't filling dozens of tags each year ;).

I did have a quick scare a couple years back. At the registration station where they pull samples for CWD and age by tooth wear the DNR guy blurted out "whoa" after cutting the hide back to expose the teeth/gums. Then he called his partner over to look. Turns out it was just an abscess on the gum line where it met the teeth. They joked about the deer dealing with a bad toothache for some time but said it was nothing to worry about.