That's a great looking place. I planted milo in SE MN for the first time this year around June 1st and it has seed heads that are just starting to pop. I bet yours will pop pretty soon. The pheasants and quail in your area should really like that mix.
Did you use any herbicides on that early successional mix? I planted a somewhat similar mix on my place, but I have a lot more weeds than you do. A neighbor's cattle visited that plot and ate the tops off a bunch of the plants. Things were looking better before that, but once the cattle stunted the good stuff the weeds got some sun and really took off.
Did you use any herbicides on that early successional mix? I planted a somewhat similar mix on my place, but I have a lot more weeds than you do. A neighbor's cattle visited that plot and ate the tops off a bunch of the plants. Things were looking better before that, but once the cattle stunted the good stuff the weeds got some sun and really took off.