I am not saying baiting and aflatoxin isnt a problem - but it is only allowed on private land in AR. We have 100’s of thousands of acres of public land where baiting is not allowed that have suffered worse than where the private landowners dump corn out by the truckload. I have a piece of property adjacent to a 27,000 NWR, where laws are strictly enforced and bait is not legal and two days of quota only gun hunting. There are fewer turkeys there than surrounding private land. 15 years ago, place was full of turkeys. Zero to two turkeys killed every year. No baiting, very limited hunting, and almost no turkeys.
While we know aflatoxin can kill turkeys, I dont know if there is quantifiable research showing just how many turkeys are affected by eating contaminated corn. I would guess in my state there are a whole lot more turkeys shot in a corn pile than die of aflatoxin poisoning