5 year old buck +
My wife has had very little time to hunt this fall due to work and even though our rifle season started last Saturday she never got a chance to go until Wednesday morning. I put her in a ladder stand on a bench in the oaks that I was getting pics of one of our target bucks I called Big 13. I went and sat in a stand I called the Pine Ridge stand and about 7:20 I heard her shoot, then shoot again and then a 3rd shot. I got down to go see what was up and she was down looking for blood. Seems she had a buck "with a lot of points" come into a thicket area to her left and she hit brush the first 2 shots and the buck bounced out into the open and stopped and she hit it on the 3rd shot. I helped her trail it up and it is her best buck to date and taken on our own small acreage!