WI Deer harvest the lowest in 30+ years (maybe)

We called in - no issues.
While driving??? That's brilliant and ILLEGAL! The MN system would have taken you about 60 seconds and you would have had 4 minutes with less chance to kill someone.

Nope, just a SLOW (call-in) system that by WI DNR's own admission has flaws.
I would try the MN system but I don't travel there to hunt because I keep hearing that there are no deer. Speeding is illegal too, I"m sure you've never done that :rolleyes:.
I would try the MN system but I don't travel there to hunt because I keep hearing that there are no deer.

Don't believe everything you hear!!! We do just fine.
I thought just texting was illegal?

Those with big mouths sure can impact perception. that is why I love hearing guys complain about not seeing deer, kill being down, etc. that=less and less hunters and better hunting for guys like me ;)

This thread from my standpoint this thread is not a complaint at all, just stating what it is. From my perspective I was hoping the kill would be low in my area and I got what I wanted. Brings me joy when the neighbors who shoot anything quit hunting. The past week I've seen more bucks on camera post-gun season than I have in the past five which is very promising.
Shawn, i wasnt accusing u of complaining. I've been hearing a ton of it though the last couple weeks. I just grin inside
That electronic registration for WI is a PITA!!! I could eat dinner and pass the corn before you got a deer registered.

So you got online, know how to use a computer enough to find habitat talk, then are able to register to be a member on this site ... and think the DNR deer registration online was difficult?

I am no lover of the Govt or a Beauracracy like the DNR, but they did a good job dumbing this down to the lowest common denominator.

My only suggestion is to update your resume, enroll at he local tech college, as whatever you are doing for a living is going to disappear ... the world is changing and you can either catch the train or see it leave the station ... ;)
Shawn, i wasnt accusing u of complaining. I've been hearing a ton of it though the last couple weeks. I just grin inside

I just think to myself if these are the same guys who would shoot every deer they could 5-6 years ago. Most should look in the mirror if they want to complain. It's clear how important it is to know your area if you have enough does to shoot or on the flip side are not shooting enough.
So you got online, know how to use a computer enough to find habitat talk, then are able to register to be a member on this site ... and think the DNR deer registration online was difficult?

I am no lover of the Govt or a Beauracracy like the DNR, but they did a good job dumbing this down to the lowest common denominator.

My only suggestion is to update your resume, enroll at he local tech college, as whatever you are doing for a living is going to disappear ... the world is changing and you can either catch the train or see it leave the station ... ;)

You really should have read through this whole thread before commenting. We CALLED in our registrations on a land line because where I hunt, the bachelor relative we stay with has NO internet on the farm, and cell service is spotty at best. The DNR employee that the neighbor talked to also indicated that there were "quite a few" issues with call in registrations. Her words.....not mine. I can also assure you I am very competent on a computer, but you wouldn't know that, because you don't know me.
I just think to myself if these are the same guys who would shoot every deer they could 5-6 years ago. Most should look in the mirror if they want to complain. It's clear how important it is to know your area if you have enough does to shoot or on the flip side are not shooting enough.
There is many reasons people don't see deer. Shooting everything that moves, neighborhoods that do the same, poor habitat, poor hunting skill, being closed minded.
I had a friend complaining to me just yesterday about how the dnrs deer policy is screwing him about this and that. I know this guys property like a glove, and it could be pretty good. I offered him some suggestions that would improve his hunting, and all he wanted to do was complain. Gotta love it.
There is a ton of those people out there. Closed minded and clueless
That electronic registration for WI is a PITA!!! I could eat dinner and pass the corn before you got a deer registered.

You really should have read through this whole thread before commenting. We CALLED in our registrations on a land line because where I hunt, the bachelor relative we stay with has NO internet on the farm, and cell service is spotty at best. The DNR employee that the neighbor talked to also indicated that there were "quite a few" issues with call in registrations. Her words.....not mine. I can also assure you I am very competent on a computer, but you wouldn't know that, because you don't know me.

Your correct, I don't know you, I just read your original post which was critical on the current form of "electronic" deer registration in Wisconsin. I guess I should have known that "electronic" meant "phone" ... I will agree with you, anytime I have called the DNR it has been an exercise is pure frustration ...