Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On at WhitetailCrabs

For anyone interested, Terry's response about the rootstock was, "No problem....let me know what your looking for and I will pull up the field chart...quite a few are on both."
I'm just a rookie with my orchard and only have about 27 trees caged and in the ground. I do have 3 of (Drop Tine, Crossbow, 30.06) varieties of Terry's since spring 22. They honestly have dwarfed all other trees since that time. My question is could these trees be staked to avoid them leaning tipping over? I use to run rope between garden hose to minimize tree harm tied to 3 points of contact to prevent lean. Would this work in the apple world?
I'm just a rookie with my orchard and only have about 27 trees caged and in the ground. I do have 3 of (Drop Tine, Crossbow, 30.06) varieties of Terry's since spring 22. They honestly have dwarfed all other trees since that time. My question is could these trees be staked to avoid them leaning tipping over? I use to run rope between garden hose to minimize tree harm tied to 3 points of contact to prevent lean. Would this work in the apple world?
If you start to see any leaning I would do just that. You may be in soil or conditions where it is a non issue, lots of guys here have great results with B118. For whatever reason they don't do well where I am. If they are going to lean you will know it within a year or two from my experience.
Told myself I wasn't going to buy trees from Whitetail crabs this year since I bought a bunch from bluehill... Randomly thought of a new orchard/project for next year last night. Its going to be on the SW side of my property away from all my other fruit trees. Wanted to be cheaper so I ordered several of the $12 "grade b" trees. Even if they end up growing half as good as my other trees from Terry I will be happy.
Terry's trees have outgrown (albeit only a handful) of trees from Bluehill and St Lawrence by a ton. Not even close. I see just today on his FB pg maybe that his roots are b118, but I still swear as do a few others that the trees we got a few yrs ago are not b118 but most likely m111.

My trees from Terry are all 30-06 and droptine. His crossbow trees sound great also. I love the part about them being immune to the Japs.

Anyone have a report on how his apple trees fared vs. Japanese beetles as opposed to other apple trees?

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From carefully reading all the apple rootstock threads on here from the past several years, seems like there is lots of evidence that b118 isn’t the best choice for wildlife trees and that m111 isn’t the best either. Ryan at bluehill alone has some pretty convincing evidence to me that dolgo is superior or perhaps anatonovka. Those are what I’ll be starting for grafting purposes
Where did you read that M111 wasn’t good for wildlife trees?
Maybe in bear country because it is 3/4. standard?
Where did you read that M111 wasn’t good for wildlife trees?
Maybe in bear country because it is 3/4. standard?

Yes, it’s not full size so theoretically will make less fruit at maturity and bears are harder on on. Anecdotally I have read from those who have both that M111 has a lower growth vigor than dolgo or antonovka but I’m sure that is heavily site dependent . Still seems like a solid choice for sure
Told myself I wasn't going to buy trees from Whitetail crabs this year since I bought a bunch from bluehill... Randomly thought of a new orchard/project for next year last night. Its going to be on the SW side of my property away from all my other fruit trees. Wanted to be cheaper so I ordered several of the $12 "grade b" trees. Even if they end up growing half as good as my other trees from Terry I will be happy.
They'll grow just fine. People tend to over-worry about starting size. Some of my biggest trees started as 1-2' runts.
They'll grow just fine. People tend to over-worry about starting size. Some of my biggest trees started as 1-2' runts.

Besides, they're much easier to plant in the smaller size.
B118 grows fast. M111 will end up being a 65% tree, B118 is around 85% of standard. Standard is 25ft tall or so. I think M111 is better for me because of heavy clay. G890 might be a very comparable tree in terms of size if you want M111. MY camp up north is zone 3. Going to put a B118 to see if it survives or not, otherwise I need dolgo or anty. Polar vortex was -38 deg F. That was a new weather station 6 miles away alongside a reservoir. MY trees were about 1/2 mile from the reservoir. Sure they got to atleast -35 F. (2) 30-06 and (1) droptine planted in December survive the February chill. Not much snow up there at the time either maybe 6 inches.

IF you have Japanese beetle issues, crossbow is Terry's jem. Bugs didn't even touch mine. Crossbow grew great for me, likely my best tree out of about 25. However, I did dig and amend the hole the most and it's near a drainage ditch. Species touted as no-spray disease free like liberty, enterprise, and freedom got hammered by beetles. I spray monthly and put traps up.Even the ants were easy on crossbow.

Beetles were beating up droptine and 30-06 some. Pristine came to my house in June, stark clearance. However, that was another tree that wasn't hammered by beetles alot either. Signal fire did pretty good too, but tree was too little to tell. Im sure freshly grafted 3ft tall trees got better sprayed than 6-8ft ones by me this year.
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I just did a quick google of M111 and about everything I saw on it said 70-85% standard, a couple said 90%... heavy anchoring, vigorous, good DR and collar rot resistance, grows well in heavy soil. Expect a tree of up to 20' with lifespan of 40-50 years. I know with most of the full-size rootstocks the trees live twice as long but are slower to produce and grow.

For my loamy heavy clay soil and some very dry summers it fits the bill. And I don't like rootstocks that sucker like crazy. I've had very good luck grafting to it and it has grown very good for me, it is my preferred rootstock when I buy trees. I would guess over half my apples and crabs are on it. Again, no bears in my area and I can't imagine there ever would be.

How well do you prune your trees. Giving the roots a chance to dig in before growing alot of branches helps out. Also, certain soils might be an issue with B118 from what some have said on here.

Trimming that central leader down and leaving about 1/3rd of the years growth helps. The shorter the tree is, the better it is on the wind. Cummins and fedco have good pruning writeups.
Anybody have any pics or this years info on drop times for 30-06, droptine, winter gold, or crossbow?
362d0171-6e4a-41a3-849e-693661affdaf.jpgSouthern Michigan, 6a/5b.

Droptine left and 30-06 right appear to be holding most their fruit loads still. I've also been getting pics regularly for a few weeks of deer under them..so I believe fruit has been dropping.

10 Point in center appears to done, but saw lots of activity in September and October.
View attachment 59395Southern Michigan, 6a/5b.

Droptine left and 30-06 right appear to be holding most their fruit loads still. I've also been getting pics regularly for a few weeks of deer under them..so I believe fruit has been dropping.

10 Point in center appears to done, but saw lots of activity in September and October.
Cool pic, You have a great set up
Trees are looking good gunfun. That 30-06 looks like it has a fight over whose central leader.
Just got the email that my WC trees are set for delivery tomorrow. Looks like my Saturday plans have changed.

Anything I need to do between Thursday and when the trees go in the ground on Saturday?

Do you guys hand dig your holes or auger drill?
Just got the email that my WC trees are set for delivery tomorrow. Looks like my Saturday plans have changed.

Anything I need to do between Thursday and when the trees go in the ground on Saturday?

Do you guys hand dig your holes or auger drill?

Auger drill ... with 48 fruit trees to plant, I will pass on the shovel.
Just got the email that my WC trees are set for delivery tomorrow. Looks like my Saturday plans have changed.

Anything I need to do between Thursday and when the trees go in the ground on Saturday?

Do you guys hand dig your holes or auger drill?
What varieties did you order ?
4 each of -
Winter gold

All were requested on M111 rootstock. Hopefully they followed through on that...
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