Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On at WhitetailCrabs

Got all of my trees planted this weekend. Went to straighten out one of my droptines and must of did it a little to hard....
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Snapped right off. First time this has ever happened to me. Thankfully it was a cheaper 2-3ft tree but still.... Hoping I can cut some scion from one of my droptines next year and graft onto the rootstock if it grows???
Take some scion off the broken top and graft it now. Can't hurt to try.
Got all of my trees planted this weekend. Went to straighten out one of my droptines and must of did it a little to hard....
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Snapped right off. First time this has ever happened to me. Thankfully it was a cheaper 2-3ft tree but still.... Hoping I can cut some scion from one of my droptines next year and graft onto the rootstock if it grows???
Is it above the graft, I can't tell in pic? If so, it should throw a new leader.
I just bought some more stuff from Terry. What a great guy and business. Not to throw the rhythm of the thread off but Im a super happy customer.

Now if i can just come to terms with having a tree addition.....
I just bought some more stuff from Terry. What a great guy and business. Not to throw the rhythm of the thread off but Im a super happy customer.

Now if i can just come to terms with having a tree addition.....
Right on....what did you buy ?
Love Terry's crabapple picks. I like his common apple offerings too, as well as his cheaper smaller items. Just wish he had more rootstock options. and publicized them. I understand not wanting to do that though as well.

I was going to give him a call and convince him to give a few crossbow crabapples to the geneva agriculture reserach facility at cornell. I think he has a real insect resistant gem on that tree.

Love to get my hands on the turkey crab too. Considering how well his other finds are.

Anybody who has droptine or 30-06 or crossbow, do you have a idea about the bloom times and fruit ripeness date for those trees. I have a tree chart that has all that data on it, except for terry's crabapples. A comparable common tree with the same bloom or ripe times is ok too.
Love Terry's crabapple picks. I like his common apple offerings too, as well as his cheaper smaller items. Just wish he had more rootstock options. and publicized them. I understand not wanting to do that though as well.

I was going to give him a call and convince him to give a few crossbow crabapples to the geneva agriculture reserach facility at cornell. I think he has a real insect resistant gem on that tree.

Love to get my hands on the turkey crab too. Considering how well his other finds are.

Anybody who has droptine or 30-06 or crossbow, do you have an idea about the bloom times and fruit ripeness date for those trees. I have a tree chart that has all that data on it, except for terry's crabapples. A comparable common tree with the same bloom or ripe times is ok too.
Sure, I can tell you about 30-06. It’s blooming right now and still holding 85 or 90% of last years fruit.

Love Terry's crabapple picks. I like his common apple offerings too, as well as his cheaper smaller items. Just wish he had more rootstock options. and publicized them. I understand not wanting to do that though as well.

I was going to give him a call and convince him to give a few crossbow crabapples to the geneva agriculture reserach facility at cornell. I think he has a real insect resistant gem on that tree.

Love to get my hands on the turkey crab too. Considering how well his other finds are.

Anybody who has droptine or 30-06 or crossbow, do you have a idea about the bloom times and fruit ripeness date for those trees. I have a tree chart that has all that data on it, except for terry's crabapples. A comparable common tree with the same bloom or ripe times is ok too.
I'll watch closer next year, but here in Virginia my droptines blossomed out maybe 2 weeks ago, the 30 06's are slower, some are just blossoming now.
So pretty worthless for deer?
Yes, unless it changes with age that is the case, and Golden Hornet Crab has the same issue for me. I think it has a lot to do with my area of the country, because I don't see northern guys having that problem. Recently in another thread I stated the following: For me most apples fall too early and most crabapples fall too late. It appears that applecrabs may be the answer. Yates is close to being perfect, but it would be even better if it dropped about 2 weeks longer. I have some other young applecrabs planted that are supposed to drop a little later than Yates, so perhaps these will fill my "apple gap" in a few more years. Actually, my persimmons are already filling that gap, but it would be nice to also have apples doing the same.
Is it above the graft, I can't tell in pic? If so, it should throw a new leader.
I believe it's right at the graft. So maybe I'll get lucky and it will still grow.
It's crazy to me that you guys already have trees blooming lol Everything is just starting to green up a little around me.
So pretty worthless for deer?

Up here the 30-06 starts slow dropping late Nov-Jan, I've never still had fruit on that one in spring.
Droptine I've had 25% still on in spring some years
Golden hornet 50% still on in spring some years

I've had all these varieties in ground for close to ten years.
Gave the trees the full treatment this weekend. Weed mat, mulch, hardware cloth for the trunk. Hope for big things in the next 5-10 years.
Wound up just putting all 16 on the home farm, didn't want to take any chances waiting any longer to plant them.

70 yard view from one location

Up close view from a different location about 25 yards from a box blind.

Got all of my trees planted this weekend. Went to straighten out one of my droptines and must of did it a little to hard....
View attachment 63619
Snapped right off. First time this has ever happened to me. Thankfully it was a cheaper 2-3ft tree but still.... Hoping I can cut some scion from one of my droptines next year and graft onto the rootstock if it grows???
Well last night I decided to email Terry and see what his opinion was on this. I never mentioned anything about him replacing it and totally put the blame on myself. He emailed me back today and told me he has some extra droptines and is going to send me another one since it's rare for that to happen. Wasn't expecting that at all and it looks like I'm going to have one more tree to plant! Little late in the year for my preference but I'll make it work.

Terry and Whitetail crabs have been excellent to deal with the past couple of years. Kind of feel bad that he's sending me another tree and do not like doing that to a small business...But told him if he insisted on sending me another one I guess I wont complain. Lol Just wanted to let everyone know my experience!
My oldest Droptine and it has been through the wringer. It’s planted in my first wildlife orchard in a tough area to get to so not much love. I definitely don’t keep this small orchard maintained very well.

Like all Droptines it started fruiting very early, tried to pinch off most the first year or two but then my attention was on putting in another orchard at a new farm.
Raccoons have broken most of its branch’s. I have trimmed it back hard a couple times to thicken them.
Three years ago they had the main leader bent over like a horseshoe, I tried my best to brace it back up as good as I could and even used heavy wire and a stake to try and straighten it. Kind of worked but nature being nature it looks like it is going to self correct and throw a new leader in the right place on its own.

This tree has been a heavy producer every year, I’ve also grafted dozens of new trees from it for myself and friends. Being a Droptine it is a slow dropper…literally drops fruit all winter long and always has some mummified fruit into spring.

I saw that it was in full bloom last week but didn’t have my phone so I took a pick of it today at the tail end of its bloom. It’s a survivor for sure.
