Welcome Timinator!Well, I found the site by searching info on No-Till Drills. I think I'm sold! My wife and I have 26 acres in SW Ohio with about 2/3rds woods (which I stay out of), 2 acre pond and about 3 acres of food plots (but sometimes mostly weeds). After reading the 7 or so pages on the Tar River Drill, I looked at the rest of the site and pretty much smiled. My kind of place. If I can keep my Conservative principles in check, I may even be allowed to stay! Even a section on ponds (I own a pond dredging company), so I decided to join. I've hunted since I was really young, I brought my 870 to 5th Grade "show and tell" and it's been an outdoorsman's life ever since. I know a bit about ponds, plots, reloading, long range shooting, spearfishing, field trials, and some other worthy endevers. Looks like a great place to learn even more.
Beautiful place Timinator. I know nothing about ponds but would love to build one someday. How do you get that emerald looking water quality?Well, I found the site by searching info on No-Till Drills. I think I'm sold! My wife and I have 26 acres in SW Ohio with about 2/3rds woods (which I stay out of), 2 acre pond and about 3 acres of food plots (but sometimes mostly weeds). After reading the 7 or so pages on the Tar River Drill, I looked at the rest of the site and pretty much smiled. My kind of place. If I can keep my Conservative principles in check, I may even be allowed to stay! Even a section on ponds (I own a pond dredging company), so I decided to join. I've hunted since I was really young, I brought my 870 to 5th Grade "show and tell" and it's been an outdoorsman's life ever since. I know a bit about ponds, plots, reloading, long range shooting, spearfishing, field trials, and some other worthy endevers. Looks like a great place to learn even more.
Honestly, I have no idea about the color of the pond. Just lucky at the time the picture was taken. Ponds go through transitions every couple of years and never really stay the same year to year. Water quality, clarity, color, weeds, algae, plants, muck, etc., it all changes and varies throughout the life of ponds. Lot's of aeration and structure when building a pond and minimize the amount of debris, leaves, and field runoff coming into a pond from the very start and you'll keep a pond looking as nice and it can for a longer period of time. I have yet to see a biologically perfect pond that the city and country pond experts talk about with the perfect balance of native plants, fish and oxygen. As long as ducks and turtles travel from pond to pond, you're going to have non-native invasive crap growing in your pond which is when you start pumping in the chemicals to rid yourself of it. I own a pond dredging company and have seen it all. Fish your buddies pond, hell, fish my pond, but you really don't want one...do you?Beautiful place Timinator. I know nothing about ponds but would love to build one someday. How do you get that emerald looking water quality?
Welcome Sportsman94!New guy introduction here. I have full management access of 2 tracts in central Georgia (20 acres and 68 acres both family land). This was my first year planting a small dove field (2 acres) on the 20 acre tract. Looking to keep that up every year as well as Provide food for deer, quail, and any other herbivore that finds itself on a property I can manage. I recently planted a Dixie delight, ms laneene, and warren pear as well as three dunstan chestnuts and two Chinese chestnuts on the west side of the field. Hoping to have food for me and the animals year round. Happy to be here
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Howdy folks. I'm Matt, a 30 year old construction project manager. The little lady and myself picked up two parcels last year, a house on the 0.5 acre plot and ~114 acres of steep Eastern Kentucky mountain side behind it. I have spent the last year remodeling the house into something fairly livable and exploring the various nooks and crannies of our new place. With some knowledge of how game is currently utilizing the property I set out to expand my knowledge in how to manage and develop this property into what I'm dreaming of. With this new year I am to start my adventure into habit.
Hi from just west of St. Louis (St. Charles), MO. Approaching 40, and have been hunting for about 30 of those years. Started deer hunting in Benton county, in and around Truman Lake. When I met my wife I added going with my father in law to Scotland County until the owner jacked the lease up. When that happened my father in law bought 90 acres in Morgan county north of Laurie that I've been "managing" for the last two years.
We added electric and made a campground for 3 travel trailers, added a pavilion and shed. The property already had a 1 acre food plot and smaller 1/4 acre one. It was logged about 20 years ago, and has a good mix of growth with tons of oaks and some really gnarly bedding/sanctuary area. The first year was tough as both my dad and father in law had some major health problems which left me doing most of the work and dealing with a father in law that didn't know how to hunt ozark forest (he spent most of his life hunting north of I-70). This year we had a really good season. Everyone killed at least one doe, and my father in law killed a nice 4 1/2 year old 10pt. A year after everyone but me being skunked, we took a total of 9 deer off the property which I think was helpful because there's a pretty high density, and a ton of does which showed on the trail cameras, and seemed to be similar to neighbor's sightings.
I decided to join because I used to look around the QDMA forum, and when that went away went to Missouri Whitetails. I recently logged back in and it seemed to be nothing but bickering and political rants. I can see that anywhere. I want to talk about property improvement. It looks like there's still some good content here so I decided to join.
We spend a ton of time on the property and I just picked up a new pioneer 700-4 so I can pull a plow/cultipacker a little better than what we had, as well as bring the kids along as they grow and get more interesting in helping. This winter's plan is to do some edge feathering on the big plot, and cut down some thorn patches and make some shooting lanes near a couple stand locations. Looking forward to learning/sharing some of my efforts.
Maddmatt, pilotpip and chiaj144 welcome to all!Hello everyone. I just picked up 94 acres of land in Southern Ontario. I've been hunting this property for 7 years and now I can finally start to make some improvements to it. When I first moved in there were deer everywhere. I shot a nice little 8 pointer my first sit, passed a 10 pointer my second sit and saw deer every sit pretty much. Every year the deer sightings have dropped and I have only shot a couple deer on it since the first year. I've been hunting for close to 40 years and just found out about thermals recently. It was like getting slapped in the face when I realized that thermals and the way I've hunted this property is what has probably caused the deer sightings to drop so much. Looking forward to reading all the info on this site and sharing my progress with this project. Cheers, Carl.
Welcome greekfreak! If you can't find what you're looking for ask.Good morning everyone,
I am a 22 year old plant manager for a metal finishing company in central Ohio. I currently manage around 2000 acres of family farm. I worked closely with some good companies to help develop a plan to take our already good property and make it primo.
I enjoy the preparation more than anything and experiencing other people, good people, enjoy the fruits of my labor are second to that. I hope to start a small outfitter one day; it is in the works but I am not confident I am there yet.
MY BIGGEST struggle is finding a balance between managing a farm for income and habitat at the same time. I am sure I will dig up some threads on here about that. If not, it may be a good place to get my feet wet.
Welcome, I am new to this forum as well and I already believe that it is if not close to everything you might need to know to make your parcel a great place. I have already gotten tons of great responses from the guys here and I expect you will too.Welcome greekfreak, I'm also a new Ohioan. I'm in SE Ohio. My wife and I just purchased 70 acres and are planning on managing the land to increase the overall property and timber, and manage for wildlife, mainly deer and turkeys. I'm not very familiar with managing habitat, so I'm here to learn.
Thanks for your service and welcome to HT!Hello everyone,
Thanks for letting me join. My name is Mark and I live in southern Minnesota. My wife didn’t believe me when I told her there are other habitat junkies like me out there that look at tree/seed catalogs at night and spend their weekends cutting buckthorn down.
I served 4 years in the Marine Corps and 2 tours to Afghanistan. Since then I tried the college thing and have just been working some various places. Really want to start my own habitat management/food plot business. If anyone has any advice/experience I would greatly appreciate it.
Otherwise, I’ve been hunting deer for 15+years but just bow hunt now. I purchased my own small chunk of land a couple of years ago, which I’ve been trying to create into a whitetail paradise. Looking forward to this spring, frost seeded some switchgrass, have 100+ trees/shrubs coming, and plan on planting some AberLasting clover in my food plot.
Look forward to reading all the great info on here
Indeed, thanks for your service!Hello everyone,
Thanks for letting me join. My name is Mark and I live in southern Minnesota. My wife didn’t believe me when I told her there are other habitat junkies like me out there that look at tree/seed catalogs at night and spend their weekends cutting buckthorn down.
I served 4 years in the Marine Corps and 2 tours to Afghanistan. Since then I tried the college thing and have just been working some various places. Really want to start my own habitat management/food plot business. If anyone has any advice/experience I would greatly appreciate it.
Otherwise, I’ve been hunting deer for 15+years but just bow hunt now. I purchased my own small chunk of land a couple of years ago, which I’ve been trying to create into a whitetail paradise. Looking forward to this spring, frost seeded some switchgrass, have 100+ trees/shrubs coming, and plan on planting some AberLasting clover in my food plot.
Look forward to reading all the great info on here
Welcome to the club and thank you for your service!Hello everyone,
Thanks for letting me join. My name is Mark and I live in southern Minnesota. My wife didn’t believe me when I told her there are other habitat junkies like me out there that look at tree/seed catalogs at night and spend their weekends cutting buckthorn down.
I served 4 years in the Marine Corps and 2 tours to Afghanistan. Since then I tried the college thing and have just been working some various places. Really want to start my own habitat management/food plot business. If anyone has any advice/experience I would greatly appreciate it.
Otherwise, I’ve been hunting deer for 15+years but just bow hunt now. I purchased my own small chunk of land a couple of years ago, which I’ve been trying to create into a whitetail paradise. Looking forward to this spring, frost seeded some switchgrass, have 100+ trees/shrubs coming, and plan on planting some AberLasting clover in my food plot.
Look forward to reading all the great info on here