Who’s Really Responsible for the Killing of Zimbabwe’s Lions and Other Wildlife?

^ Good article. Thanks for posting. Seems to me, America is heading down this same path via our "redistribution" plans and socialism. Not sure it can be changed if large masses of people won't advance themselves by working.....yet have voting power.

Also....it's hard for me to understand how so many folks are now "animal rights" types. As hunter's.....We're in big trouble if we lose the giraffe vote.....not to mention the cattle herds. o_O:rolleyes:
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Foggy - The one thing I will say about your above comment is this - there are TONS ...... MILLIONS of people that work their ass off every day, are on time, are dedicated to their jobs and they will NEVER ........... EVER have a decent life. They will always struggle to provide the basic necessities of life for their families ........... NOT LUXURIES ....... the basics. A decent home, medical care ( not some piece of sh plan that covers next to nothing ) and be able to save enough pay for kids college or for their retirement. If hard work was the key to so-called " success ", there are a sh-load of people out there who would be piss-poor !!!! There is a whole generation of snot-nosed, arrogant, " entitled " rich snobs who got that way from their parents' or grandparents' hard work ........ NOT their own !!!!!!

The reason all those hard-working, dedicated, decent folks ( of all backgrounds ) will struggle is because of the massive greed and indifference of the " upper, high-society, non-riff-raff " crowd. You know ....... the ones who " simply CAN'T have the smallest yacht, or only 3 vacation homes when the Jones's have 4. "

If wealth were " redistributed " according to how ..... much, ( amount )- hard, - long, - dedicated, - innovative, - work was done .....how many of us should be richer ??? Farmers might well be the upper-most class then. Where would the Paris Hilton's, the Kard-ass-ians, most of the DuPont family, the political Bush family, etc. be ?? They didn't " make " the money - they FELL into it. Their fathers or grand-fathers or great-grandfathers did. I have no problem with the Bill Gates's or Steve Jobs's of the world. They INVENTED something new and revolutionary, they didn't get fat & sassy on their ancestors' doings.

The reason things are the way they are is because of manipulation of the political system by people who have the big $$$$$$$$$$ to accomplish it. If real honest-to God hard work were the determining factor ....... society would look vastly different.
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^ Yep. Not looking to get into a political discussion here on Habitat Forum. I agree with the gist of your post. Yep, there are lots of folks working hard and keeping their shoulder to the wheel. Then....there are many folks that do not work and don't contribute a nickel to taxes and just TAKE from society......never contribute a thing....not even to their own families. Those are the folks I am referring to above. AND.....there are TONS....MILLIONS of those folks too....and their ranks are growing.

Those folks are a drag on society and are sucking the life out of our economy. True, there are some rich folks in this land.....but the top 5% are paying most of the taxes and providing jobs for most of the people. We need to get more people in higher social levels.....not reduce more people to the ranks of the non-contributors....IMO.

There are lots of reasons for all of this....and much of it can be repaired with a good leader.....IMO. But the masses don't want to elect that person.....and stop the social welfare that is now happening.

In short.....we need some jobs and OPPORTUNITY again in America. The social classes will likely always be. ......aw shoot. I don't want to get into political discussions on this site. I will refrain from any more comment.
I agree with what you said too, Foggy. ^^^^^ All good on this end !!
Sounds a lot like the Wolf Lovers in the city versus the people who actually have to deal with them on their farms in the north.
There is an easy solution. Move wolf packs to the city.
I am entirely serious. Just move one or two in our state.
They're already there.

I agree stu, all of these things taking place in Duluth don't scare anyone of importance. Folks in the Metro just take for granted that this type of thing just "happens" up there. No different than down in Madison, those are considered regular types of things that just happen in the "savage" wildlands north of Wisconsin Dells you know.:rolleyes:
I agree stu, all of these things taking place in Duluth don't scare anyone of importance. Folks in the Metro just take for granted that this type of thing just "happens" up there. No different than down in Madison, those are considered regular types of things that just happen in the "savage" wildlands north of Wisconsin Dells you know.:rolleyes:

We need to find a way to bring the north country to the city folk (or vice versa). Most of the city folk and the younger generation got their "knowledge" of the wild from a disney animation.
We need the wolves in the metro, day after day!

Would feral cats continue to be a problem?