First Whitetail


5 year old buck +

This successful hunter is a career Professional Hunter in Africa. He had been to the Dallas Safari Club convention last week and came to our place to stay this week. Weather for here was brutal - lows single digits and highs in the 20’s. He wasnt used to that. For a man who makes a living guiding hunters for a wide variety of african big game and shooting charging lions and elephants - he sure got excited about his first whitetail. We had a few bigger around - but considering the weather - the hunting couldnt be too picky. Excited me more than any other deer we harvested this year.
Hmmm, do you get return favor?

Probably my son - he uses these guys when he hunts Africa. They need to let him shoot a bull elephant for free😉
Great story! Love that people are willing to hook each other up!
So what’s the skinny on the hunt?

weapon, distance, etc?

Double rifle?

So what’s the skinny on the hunt?

weapon, distance, etc?

Double rifle?

Crossbow, 35 yards, and the interesting thing - he tracked him down and put an arrow in him - not from a stand. These guys are master trackers - “hunting proper” as they call it - they are not too big on waterhole hunting where they come from. A little spot and stalk - but their favorite is track them down and shoot them.

These guys are amazing at seeing game. We took them on a duck hunt, which they had not been on before - and they commonly spotted the ducks as specks in the sky before we did - and some of us been duck hunting for 60 years.

Was interesting to listen to some of the phone calls they got while they were here - calls about going on a depredation elephant shoot when they got home, another was a pride of lions attacking some cattle on the edge of their concession and them trying to keep the folks back home from killing the male lions because they had lion hunts sold in that area for this year, more calls negotiating quota for number of animals that could be killed this year on their concessions.

They are amazed at the amount of “stuff” sitting out in people’s yards here. Tractors, 4 wheelers, sxs’s, lawn mowers - all manner of stuff. They said that stuff would be gone first night where they were from. Their houses in town where their family lives is surrounded by 8 ft tall concrete walls with razorwire on top. They all have big dogs patrolling their yards. They talked about the increase of elephants in some areas and I asked what was the reason and they replied “shoot to kill” on the poachers. Their safari company employees 46 folks on the anti poaching units. He said locals would kill the last one of everything if it wasnt for employment opportunities with the safari company and anti poaching units. Interesting to talk to.
Crossbow, 35 yards, and the interesting thing - he tracked him down and put an arrow in him - not from a stand. These guys are master trackers - “hunting proper” as they call it - they are not too big on waterhole hunting where they come from. A little spot and stalk - but their favorite is track them down and shoot them.

These guys are amazing at seeing game. We took them on a duck hunt, which they had not been on before - and they commonly spotted the ducks as specks in the sky before we did - and some of us been duck hunting for 60 years.

Was interesting to listen to some of the phone calls they got while they were here - calls about going on a depredation elephant shoot when they got home, another was a pride of lions attacking some cattle on the edge of their concession and them trying to keep the folks back home from killing the male lions because they had lion hunts sold in that area for this year, more calls negotiating quota for number of animals that could be killed this year on their concessions.

They are amazed at the amount of “stuff” sitting out in people’s yards here. Tractors, 4 wheelers, sxs’s, lawn mowers - all manner of stuff. They said that stuff would be gone first night where they were from. Their houses in town where their family lives is surrounded by 8 ft tall concrete walls with razorwire on top. They all have big dogs patrolling their yards. They talked about the increase of elephants in some areas and I asked what was the reason and they replied “shoot to kill” on the poachers. Their safari company employees 46 folks on the anti poaching units. He said locals would kill the last one of everything if it wasnt for employment opportunities with the safari company and anti poaching units. Interesting to talk to.
Super interesting. Was able to chew the fat with a farmer from Zimbabwe a while back. It was wild to listen to. I don’t envy guys like him trying to hold that place together.
Super interesting. Was able to chew the fat with a farmer from Zimbabwe a while back. It was wild to listen to. I don’t envy guys like him trying to hold that place together.
That and raise a family. These guys probably forty years old and lived here all their life - they have seen a lot of change. A lot of what we hear and see some “extremists” talking about doing here - has happened over there. Could you imagine the govt coming in and just taking 180,000 acres with zero compensation. That happened over there.
Boy it would be an eye opener hunting with them.

Personally I have a hard time not moving, but to track a white tail to 35 yards?

That and raise a family. These guys probably forty years old and lived here all their life - they have seen a lot of change. A lot of what we hear and see some “extremists” talking about doing here - has happened over there. Could you imagine the govt coming in and just taking 180,000 acres with zero compensation. That happened over there.
And then thinking crops grow by magic so they sit there waiting for something to happen only to be sorely disappointed
It is a totally different world over there for sure.I took my daughter on a hunt for graduation 10 years ago.Iwas strange to see 5-10 year old kids walking down gravel roads before daylight walking to school.Never did see a school.Houses in the country don't have addresses.They said if somehow they had a letter that it would go to the gas station,no idea where that was but they said a runner would come tell them to go collect the letter.In Joberg the housing additions had guard shacks and guards and the guest house we stayed in first night had the concrete walls and razor wire.They had us put our guns in a big safe.They said that the criminals knew they were locked up so they wouldn't try to get them.Our PH carried pistols but not for protection against animals.