When to trim low branches?


5 year old buck +
With all the rain we've got so far my young trees are growing like crazy. Lots are trying to kick out branches below the top of their cages. I do my pruning in late winter, but is it alright to trim those off now?

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I pinch some off with my fingers. I even clip a few, but maybe I shouldn’t.

When we get a bit later in the season, I stop removing any.
You got a pretty good cluster ofleaves up top, you can clip those low ones

Pinching is kind of like weedacking You cut it clean, it grows back. When you pinch it the fibers are more damaged preventing resprouting. Just be careful not to rip off any cambrium on the main stem themsevles. If it's a spot you have trouble getting tp then just snip.

In my opinion, the frist year s centered towards establishing roots. The leaves do provide energy, but do require nutrients and water from the roots. Minor pruning does reduce water stress on a tree.

If you see one or 2 bad ones up top, you can prune those too. One shoot straight up from a horizontal lateral, or maybe a little one with a bad angle from the tree.

IF the tree has been beat up bad from insects, or is straining to produce vigor, i'd leave any good shoot it has.

Any shoot right towards the ground or the first few inches is from the roostock, get rid of those as you see them.

IF your making a central leader, like most habitat guys do on here, then cut back or remove anything competeing good to be the leader. IF you feel you need leaves on a beaten up tree, just cut back the top set or two on the lesser leader. Then in the winter remove that competeing leader.

That tree isn't really above the cage top, so the lower portions of the top "ball" there, more or less leave alone until you got a good could of laterals above the cage. Usually late winter afteryour frist year, you pick the best 5-7 and remove the rest. With the best 5-7 cut back around 30% of that years growth until you have a bud more on the bottom of the branch.

That tree you have looks about normal for growth and doesn't look bet up bad by insects either. Anything from rung 5 of the cage down I'd pinch or snip. I'd also spray a bit of weed killer around the cage too, after removing the leaves.
Right or wrong, I prune off all the branches below the top one-third throughout the growing season.
If the sprout has not branched, you can rub the leave sprout with your thumb to remove.