When to spread Urea?


5 year old buck +
We planted our turnips and radishes 2 weeks ago. They have already germinated and are a light green color. I looked at the forecast for this week and they are calling for chances of rain Tuesday-Saturday. Would spreading urea on the small turnips and radishes be okay or should I wait a couple more weeks?
Usually 3 to 4 weeks after planting, but if you are getting a rain I would spread it if you didnt spread any at planting. I tilled in urea when I planted and will spread more a month after

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Best time to spread urea is whenever you can hook a rain to incorporate it. Ours were planted about 2 weeks ago. I am going up Tuesday night. It is supposed to rain on Wed/Thursday. I will monitor radar and spread couple hours before the rain if its eminent. Doesnt take much for your whole application to volatilize if you dont catch the rain.

Unless your on sand or you get 12-15 inches of rain between application and the end of the season your urea will be there to help finish your brassicas. Get it done this week if you can. Your brassicas will thank you.
I prefer to spread it and till it in when doing conventional tillage, but in your case I would spread it right before a guaranteed rain if there is such a thing. Remember the larger your plants get the more damage you will do to them as you drive over them.

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I only have a bag spreader so I will be walking over the plot. It's looking like Thursday night is a good chance of rain so Thursday I will be spreading the urea over them. Thanks everyone.