When is it safe to plant after spraying herbicide?


Yearling... With promise
I sprayed glyphosate on a plot today and was curious about how long I need to wait until I can plant. I’m planting Antler King Barricade, it’s a screening mix of Sorghum and Sorghum Sundangrass. Thanks for any tips or thoughts!

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I believe gly breaks down in the soil pretty quickly. I've read articles of guys spraying and planting the same day, since gly works through green, growing plants. Seeds then, supposedly aren't affected by gly - at least that's what I've read from others on here and other forums. I know some herbicides have residual soil action long after spraying.

Maybe some other gents will chime in with more experience spraying gly, and then planting.
Yeah I'd just wait for it to dry then that's probably long enough.
I have my ranger rigged with s spreader and sprayer. I spray gly and spread millet on the same pass. At least for millet, works great
Plant immediately. Before. After. Doesn’t matter.

There is a study that spraying gly onto broadcast seed can hurt germination a little. For food plotters not sure it matters at all. And just plant a little heavier rate. After spraying can plant at any time, including immediately.