When do Black Oxford mature


5 year old buck +
when do black oxfords mature? I see some sites saying November but am not sure they are right.
Bumping to the top someone has to know the answer to this one :). One of you sent me the scions ha ha.
Mine were looking stunning on September 28th a few years ago.

And what happened after that? Are they still doing okay?
And what happened after that? Are they still doing okay?

I ate one, it was fantastic. I dont recall when the others finally fell.

That picture was 2 years ago, this past year i didnt get any fruit. Trees look great, i expect some this year if conditions are good.
Have you all had lots of problems with disease in black Oxford? I have some started from scions a few years ago and all is good so far.
Have you all had lots of problems with disease in black Oxford? I have some started from scions a few years ago and all is good so far.

Pretty sure I had some Cedar apple rust. Just on the leaves, not the fruit. I'll try and check some pictures.

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I knew Ben would, have this answer as this is basically a Maine Apple. Ben fill us in what you have been doing
I have been working a lot, and apologize for shortfalls of my online activity.

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I have been working a lot, and apologize for shortfalls of my online activity.

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Ben we are just happy to had you back. Love to come see your place sometime