Whats this weed?

First guess would be lack of grazing to stimulate subsequent growth and root mass development.

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🤔 You put the cage in the wrong spot 😁😁
Rabbits. They can get in through the holes. Every time i throw a spotlight out there there's 2-3 rabbits in the cage. They must feel protected in there (and it appears they like bushy wallflowers). It had me perplexed at first, but eventually took notice.
My first guess was rabbits as I screwed up this winter. Had several potted trees in gal bags. Decided to try and over winter them on the ground. Covered them with a foot of leaves and put cattle panels around them for deer. Totally forgot about rabbits. Well they clipped every tree. But I think all the trees survived. They are waking up.
My first guess was rabbits as I screwed up this winter. Had several potted trees in gal bags. Decided to try and over winter them on the ground. Covered them with a foot of leaves and put cattle panels around them for deer. Totally forgot about rabbits. Well they clipped every tree. But I think all the trees survived. They are waking up.
Lol, I did that once too. Every single one clipped!